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i see my ex at a wedding in 3 days i dont know how i should act... advice?

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ok it has been awhile since i posted about my own problems. I have been lurking in the forums looking at other peoples posts and providing information that i felt would help them


ok quick re-cap for those that dont remember my past stories or doesnt know them at all....My ex gf broke up with me back in the middle of august. I was a mess. To sum it up she was not in love with me anymore and it would be wrong for her to drag me along. We dated for a year. There has been little contact but at the most part there has been no contact.


Anyway she is standing in my brothers wedding this upcoming sunday. When she was asked to stand we were dating at the time and my soon to be sister in law just popped the question to her kinda of unsuspected and without my ex thinking about it she said yea and this occurred last december.


So fast forwarding. I have healed greatly but not at that point to where i just dont care or i dont get jealous. When the wedding comes i want to have a lot of fun and come off like my life was never turned upside down. But the problem is when i act like that i tend to ignore those that hurt me. I dont know why... i just do it.


So maybe some advice on how i should play my cards right. I know we are gonna end up talking if not at least a hi. I dont feel prepared to talk to her i want to heal for myself and i do not want to break NC. But that is hard at a major event like this.


So how should i act. Should i bring a date? or just take it one step at a time. Should i talk to her tell her hi see how life is going and be on my way? any help would be greatly appreciated



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If I'm ever in doubt as to what to do then I use the following strategy:


Just act normal


In others words treat her like any other old friend you haven't seen in a while. Friendly, cordial but cool. Don't act up, don't ignore her (but don't talk too much to her either), don't put on a show. Just be normal. If you have a date, then bring one, if not then don't. You'll get through this and when you look back and you'll think "yep, I just acted normal - calm, cool and collected". You can get through it provided you don't think too much about it.

ps: watch the alcohol.

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