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Well, I don't understand why he was in jail, are you sure you are willing to get involved with a man who occasionaly gets put in jail???


And he said he does not want to "drag you into all the b.s. in his life".. so why is he still around, and why are you considering being in his life right now?


What good could come from getting involved with a man who is terribly unstable right now?


Just be careful and respect your own heart, he seems to be able to "disappear" when he wants to, and then resurface with a good sob story and all is "okay"??? hmmmm.. I don't like the sound of any of this, and I believe if you were in a healthy emotional place and making wise choices for yourself, you would never even consider this a "relationship" let alone an option to build a future on... right?

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You are sooooo right blender and I was feeling so much better until I heard from him again.


One email and all of the feelings and emotions surfaced again.


He emailed me again today saying that he wants to talk to me.


So I guess the ball is in my court.


I have not emailed him back and am going to drop the damned ball.


God Bless You and have a Merry Christmas and may the New Year bring you Health, Peace and Happiness

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blender is right about most things in this case: I do think it's odd that he disappears and reappears whenever he feels like it. BUT, speaking from the position of someone who was/is in a similar position I have to add that just because someone has done time in jail doesn't make them a horrible person...we all make mistakes, but some make bigger ones than others. Judge this guy based on his honesty or lack there of; not his criminal record. As far as going about snooping out his criminal rec try different online data bases. I used the free one that I found via google searches (lol) to locate my guy and pull up his charges. There are alot of helpful sites available, my suggestion is do your homework on him, get the facts, use your best judgement, then make a decision on this guy.

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