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The magic number re calorie intake

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Something weird going on with me trying to post this, I keep losing access as it times out…


Anyway, I have inexplicably been gaining weight over the past few months. Nothing extreme, but a steady creep of kilos that seem impervious to all my old diet tricks and exercise programme. I am confused about how to calculate what my requirements are, because everything I've tried so far does not work.


I need to start by saying that I have read all the diet literature (or scanned it at least) and basically don’t do deprivation or atkins type diets. I need my carbs, and I do eat them, but I do this in moderation. Leafy greens, wholegrains etc. Also protein.


My issue is that I have searched the web to find my base resting rate (or whatever it’s called) for my calorific expenditure and everything I find is way too high. I am 5 foot 2, and now hit 132 lbs. Based on this info, and my age (almost 34) most websites say I need at least 1600/day calories to exist as a sedentary person, and may places said I should eat as much as 1800 - 2200 cals/day. But when I eat more than 1400/day I tend to put on weight.


Before I was married in Oct 06 I worked out my requirements based on an assumption that I need 1450 cal/day, and then aimed for a net intake of 1100 – 1300 cals/day (after exercise taken out). I have tried to exercise most days for ~220 calories/day. And I lost one pound in three weeks. Now that just doesn’t make sense. I did not gain heaps of muscle, and I was saving well over the 3500cals/week required to lose a pound/week. Then I went on my honeymoon and prob ate 1700 cals/day. I put on 3 pounds that week.


Now I’m getting into boring number confusion, so sorry. But I am irritated that I can’t work this out. Some fitness types would say that maybe I need to eat more to kickstart my metabolism but that seems risky. The weight just keeps rising.


Can anyone shed any light? All I can think is:


(a) Maybe when you hit 33/34 years your body changes heaps

(b) Maybe it’s because I’m happy now and my body is preparing itself for the ‘next stage’ (ie childbirth). This has been suggested to me but I think it sounds a bit hippyish. Note I am not pregnant.

© Maybe I need a freakishly low number of calories – but when I go below 1100/day I get tired and irritable, so what’s the ‘magic’ number?

(d) I'm making some really dumb mistake!


I'm sure this topic has been covered heaps of times, and I just read the carb diet thread, but I didn't want to hijack someone else's thread. If you have already posted good stuff elsewhere that might be relevant, please just add links...

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what percentage of your diet is in fats? carbohydrates? protein?


sometimes that is more the issue...


its not just what you eat but when you eat and how much of it


How many times day do you eat? Do you eat protein in each meal? do you start your day with exercise and then cardio?


Its not just about your weight... but about size too... you can be 130 pounds and a size 2 or 130 pounds and a size 8...obviously wiht more lean muscle you will be smaller, which is what I think you may be looking for?


do you follow a weightlifting program? the more muscle you have.. the harder it is for fat to stay on your body.

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what percentage of your diet is in fats? carbohydrates? protein?


sometimes that is more the issue...


its not just what you eat but when you eat and how much of it


How many times day do you eat? Do you eat protein in each meal? do you start your day with exercise and then cardio?


Its not just about your weight... but about size too... you can be 130 pounds and a size 2 or 130 pounds and a size 8...obviously wiht more lean muscle you will be smaller, which is what I think you may be looking for?


do you follow a weightlifting program? the more muscle you have.. the harder it is for fat to stay on your body.


I'm not sure exact percentages. Probably 60% carb, 30% protein, 10% fat, but these are rubbery numbers!


I eat 3 times a day, but also often eat twice in the day (between breakfast and dinner) but two smaller meals.


I am a size...err I don't know about US sizing. I used to be an Australian size 8, then a 10, and now I think I'm very close to a 12. My wardrobe is really shrinking. Maybe I'm a US 6-7 now? Not sure.


No I don't follow a weight lifting programme. I tend to focus on cardio, with 30-40 mins really hard on my bike, or 1-2 hours vigorous walk. This maybe 4-5 times a week. I tried to lift smallish weights (1-2kg) but kept getting neck pain so I stopped. (I am an exercise at home person because I am too cheap to go to a gym and I much prefer to be on my own.)


When I was 14 lbs lighter I have to admit, I smoked (not many, 5 a day, but still bad), was really stressed and sad, and often skipped dinner. I then put on 3 lbs straight after meeting my now husband. But it's been creeping on ever since. I don't want to be as light as I was anymore, well at least I am not aiming for it. I am a curvy person by nature. But I'm not happy this heavy - aiming to lose 8lbs or so of fat.

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if you want to lose the fat.. you have to do weights... heavy weights!


Its much easier to lose fat if you add weightlifting into your fitness regime..


I think too many women are scared that doing weights will make them big and bulky.. it will not... it will make you leaner.


Try a 40% protein, 30 percent carb 30 percent fat diet and try and eat 5-6 small meals a day.


You can log your food into link removed and it will tell you what percentage of fat protein and carbs you are getting.


If you are doing cardio, the best time to do it is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach..and lfit weights and least 3-4 times a week.


There is no point in lifting those small weights..you need to lift HEAVY if you want to see some improvement... Women will not get big and bulky.. but you do need to build muscles... the more muscle you have... the more fat will drop off you when you are resting..


i think the biggest mistake women make is thinking doing more and more and more cardio is going to get rid of the fat.. or lifting thise light little weights with 100s of repetitions will do something.


Have you ever read the 'Body for life book?" it has a great introduction to fitness and diet..

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Hi shikashika


I'm not so worried about being bulky but am worried about weights hurting my neck. My neck (and my back to some degree) is a bit screwy and I get nerve pains when I lift even the light weights. I'm not sure why this is, I have not found chiros/physios etc able to help much. I have a strong back and shoulders from years of carting around heavy backpacks full of books, but maybe the pain was a side effect of that.


Thanks for the suggestion though - is there a means of weight lifting you can suggest that might minimise impact on my neck/back?


Also, do you have a view on what my required base calorie intake might be, or how I calculate it, or do you think this is perhaps beside the point of I address your other suggestions?

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Hi shikashika


I'm not so worried about being bulky but am worried about weights hurting my neck. My neck (and my back to some degree) is a bit screwy and I get nerve pains when I lift even the light weights. I'm not sure why this is, I have not found chiros/physios etc able to help much. I have a strong back and shoulders from years of carting around heavy backpacks full of books, but maybe the pain was a side effect of that.


Thanks for the suggestion though - is there a means of weight lifting you can suggest that might minimise impact on my neck/back?


Also, do you have a view on what my required base calorie intake might be, or how I calculate it, or do you think this is perhaps beside the point of I address your other suggestions?


I'm no doctor... but I think the reason MOST people have problems with neck back is because perhaps.. their muscles weren't very strong in the first place and were injured that way..


You need a strong core have you ever looked into pilates ( a good personalised one) to see what could be done about your neck and back problems?


I always make sure I do compound exercises rather than isloation exercies.. meaning doing weights excercises that use more than one muscle..


.. I've always heard 10 -12 times your body weight in pounds if you want to maintain or lose. but then its different for different people..

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Well I am confused by all the numbers you wrote. I am not familiar with that. But I am also very conscious about my weight and things I eat. So I know I woan't be answering your question with the things I am going to write but still it might help.


First it takes some time to start loosing weight.


Than you need to be aware that once when you reach a desirable weight you have to stay on track with right way of eating your whole life.


And I think the worst time to start a diet is around holidays. It's beter after, to get used on the new way of eating before the next holidays come. By that time the temptation will be less.



Now this is how I eat. I weight 48 kg and my hight is 158 cm.

1. Breakfast: Muesli (whole grain) and skimmed milk 0.9%. 4 tabelspoons - 5 tablespoons of Muesli.


2. some fruit before my lunch at 4 p.m. and a sandwhich. No butter, no mayonaise....avoide white bread. Salat and tuna are a great thing. Cheese, turkey. You can use just a small amount of diet mayonnaise.


3. Lunch: meat or fish, and vegetables or those dishes made from vegetable that look like thick soup. avoid potatoes - or pommes frites made from them. You can cook the potatoes but use them as an additional thing to vegetables. Use teflon dishes to minimize amount of oil needed. You can have a small amount of chocolate after lunc, why not. And a coffie with brown sugar.


4. Dinner: Soup, fish, easy food, no bread. Never eat dinner before you go to bed. You mustn't eat at least 2 hours before going to sleep. If you're hungry before going to sleep you can drink hot milk.


Also I liked that In the zone way of eating.


The trick is to have the right amount of proteins, fat and carbs in every meal. That way you are eating healthy. It is wrong to avoid any of these things in the right amount. This is why I liked that book about the zone. It gives you an idea what is balnced meal. It's not recommened to starve and avoid fat and carbs.



About excercizing. Well I hate it. For a start walking with the higher tempo is just fine. Walk for an hour a day and you'll feel better. Try to get used on eating healthy first and during that time just walk. After some time when eating healthy becomes less hard think about excercizing. Make an appointment with a doctor who's going to reccomend you the right way of excercizing for your body. So , for a start - start walking - it is healthy and it can't do you any harm.


Good luck!

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You wrote that you exercise by walking or biking but you're probably used to that by now. Try making your workouts harder...add some running and weights to your workouts.


I know you said that you're not comfortable with a gym, I would strongly suggest taking a fitness class or even some fitness tapes.


It's also important to know that not everyone can be a size 2. Perhaps going to get an exercise analysis would benefit you. That way you can see what you need to change and also how much you can realistically lose. Remember, size doesn't matter...it's how you feel that's important.

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I'm in a similar situation. I can't get over 1100 or I start to gain weight. I'm fairly sedentary. I do a fair bit of walking because I have to, but I never purposely work out.


For me, I just live with the low energy and grouchiness. I refuse to gain weight.


But applepie that sucks! I can't believe that our bodies could be so sensitive - mine never used to be.


I think that the best I can try, and best I would advise, is to kickstart your metabolism with frequent small meals and varied exercise. I guess I have not given mine enough of a hard time to start burning more.


kittysm, yes maybe I need to shock my body with more intense exercise or different sorts.


I am definitely overweight BTW, by at least 8 lbs. I feel it, and I am down to the last 'fat suit' I have for work, *sigh*. Even my jeans are a no go zone now.

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Thanks syrix. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I have been doing most of what you suggest, and that's why I am so surprised and frustrated that not only am I not losing, I am gaining.


The numbers were basically around me trying to sort out what my basic calorific intake should be to remain the same weight, and then to work out the right calories higher to gain and calories lower to lose. I can't seem to work out what these numbers are as my experience clashes with everything I have read in books and on the internet. While I am operating with dodgy numbers I am not getting anywhere. I also only resorted to numbers because the common sense stuff you mention wasn't working any more.

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but what works for some people may not work for others


I have a friend who is 110 pounds 5'8 and attributes her 'slimness' to her once a week pilates class.





if thats all I did, I'd look like the back end of a bus!!!!!


I hear so many women over and over again complaining that they don't look the way they want but continue to focus on cardio and just eating light!


you have to eat right to lose weight...and lift weights!! and none of thos sill exercises like the butt blaster or doing ridiculously high reps.


Sure it might hurt... or be hard... no one likes to get out of bed at 5:00 to go running in minus 20 weather.... NO ONE... but I think of how much worse I would feel all the time if I DID look like the back end of a bus.


This is why lifting heavy weights is so important the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn.


Sometimes..the danger of doing too much cardio is that you lose some of your muscle as well. When you lose that muscle, that muscle can't burn the fat. The more muscle you have the easier you can burn fat when you are RESTING.


when you do cardio, try to make sure you have some HIIT... High Intensity Interval training.. so that you get your heart rate up... sprinting helps burnt he fat more than moderate exercise... I believe in alternating... maybe one day do a longer moderate cardio.. next day include some sprints in that morning run..


i understand your frustration


not everyone is going to have the same results with the same result... See above about my friend and her once a week pilates class.


i also wouldn't worry so much about the weight.. its more about your body fat %


Have you tried loggin your food into link removed?


Even if only for a couple of days, it will give you a breakdown of your protein, fats and carbs.


How big are your portions?


One thing to remember.. and I have to keep reminding myself too is not to become obsessive... Also, I find I can work at it for months and months.. adn not see a difference, then one day I wake up and I can fit into those skinny jeans again..


I think, in general, we have become accustomed to making excuses for our bad eating habits... and most people do have bad eating habits.. and I love food.


Do you have a gym near by? Are you interested in doing weights?

Do you live in an area where you can go running in the morning before work? or a gym that has spinning classes... or a friend that doesn't mind doing early am running or biking. I think it is important that cardio is mainly done with weight bearing exercises.


I swam competitively for years, but the fat stays on more on swimmers..


I also noticed a BIG difference when I added weightlifting into my fitness program..


in order of importance.. most important being




#2 Weight training


#3 HIIT cardio


Have you ever had a bodyfat test done? do you you know you have only been gaining fat?


Are there any other factors in your life that could have contributed towards a weight gain?... new birth control? stress? sleep?

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Hey shikashika, so many questions! But thank you for your interest and your responses .


Have you tried loggin your food into link removed]

- no, but I will try it


How big are your portions?

- really not big. average. if we're talking meat for one serve I eat maybe a deck of cards size, and for carbs one serve would be 1/2 - 1 cup cooked rice/pasta or a couple of slices of bread. Not much butter/oil etc, usual portion maybe a teaspoon or just over a teaspoon.


One thing to remember.. and I have to keep reminding myself too is not to become obsessive...

- yes, I am completely obsessed now, the self-hatred is really kicking in and I am already making excuses to not go to a Christmas party tonight full of fit personal trainers because I'm too fat for my clothes.


Do you have a gym near by? Are you interested in doing weights?

- eh, yes to the gym, there's one in my building at work, but I'm not really interested no. hate gyms, hate the cost, hate the atmosphere. sorry. I have weights at home, but like I said, I have been suffering neck pain. So if I'm going to take your advice I need to manage these issues somehow.


Have you ever had a bodyfat test done? do you you know you have only been gaining fat?

- I think I have gained some muscle on my thighs from the intense bike sessions, but it seems coated with a new layer of horrible horrible fat. I have been measuring myself at the key points and yes indeed I am larger, and it can't all be muscle.


Are there any other factors in your life that could have contributed towards a weight gain?... new birth control? stress? sleep?

- not really. I have been really stressed and put on weight, and I have been no so stressed and put on weight. No change to the pill or anything. I started taking pre-conception pills recently, full of iron, folate etc, and I whacked on a kilo immediately. I wouldn't have thought it was those pills though, the product is a vitamin supplement.


Ahh, maybe I just need to accept that I'm lazy and I need to get busier than before. I don't really think I can adjust my diet anymore as it's not going to be sustainable.



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No, I didn't get offened.

How are you built? Some of the weight goes together with the way your body is shaped. I have a friend who's slightly taller than I am, but she has bigger brests, wider hips.... she has more of a womanly figure and I have no hips, cup size number 2...

She can't reach my weight no matter what, and even if she did she would look sick. So she's like 163 and 58 kg and she looks normal - she's just built that way....

Maybe you're not having so much extra weight (you have some, of course) but do you have a realistic plan how much you need to loose according to the way you're built and according to your age too?


How about seeing a doctor to give you an oppinion about your ideal weigt? Have you tried calculating your body mass index? Or consulting a nutritionist?


Oh, and one more thing, and I know I might come accross as boring: do you mostly eat cooked food instead fried? And do you eat mostly vegetables instead of rise, potatoes.... And how often do you eat? I eat every 4.5 hours.

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I don't want to be overly critical but I've never heard of an adult (woman or man) that should only eat 1100 calories. I've have a personal trainer and he says that's pretty much unheard of. You're basically starving yourself thereforeeee preventing good weight loss.


An active adult should eat anywhere from 1700-2100 calories a day. I think the key here is to have a balance between diet and activity.

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Yes I am 'curvy' - 36, 27, 40 (last number is climbing), D cup. I keep my weight on my bottom half with the top half staying reasonably normal/slim. When I weigh less than 53kg or so I start to look weird and gaunt in my face and shoulders, even though that is not such a light weight for my height (157cm).


I am certain my weight should be 54-56kgs, and I know from past experience that this is sustainable. I am aiming for 55kgs, but right now that seems a long way off...


Not much fried food at all, I really don't eat badly, except prob not enough fruit. I prob need to eat a little more, more often, and exercise a lot more to get my metabolism going faster.

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I don't want to be overly critical but I've never heard of an adult (woman or man) that should only eat 1100 calories. I've have a personal trainer and he says that's pretty much unheard of. You're basically starving yourself thereforeeee preventing good weight loss.


An active adult should eat anywhere from 1700-2100 calories a day. I think the key here is to have a balance between diet and activity.


That's exactly what I am trying to work out. Thing is, if I eat more than 1400 cals/day I definitely put on weight. That's been what's happening, and it's really tough. I then try and cut down calories and move up the exercise to lose the extra weight but it doesn't go anywhere - I even put on another 2 kgs. It's getting really upsetting for me because I literally cannot fit into 95% of my clothes and I feel bloated and bad about myself.


My husband in is martial arts and all his friends are personal trainers. One of them told me on Friday night that I perhaps need to eat more, to increase my metabolism. She said I'll put on more weight to do this though. ARRGGH.


I have always had skinny dieting friends/acquaintances and I am so far from the 'just two strawberries a day' types it's not funny. I LOVE my food and I find it very hard to believe that my body is in starvation mode.


Anyway, I even irritating myself from all the self-obsessing. I guess I will stop whingeing and at least try to stop gaining weight!

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