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men...what would you chose??

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hi guys, its coming up to five years we have been together, and i dont have a problem, i was hoping to get your oppinions on something.

for as long as i have known my partner i have known that he is into cars...as in tvr`s, dodge vipers, formula one, etc....

well christmas is coming up and its also his birthday in the early part of next year, so i was thinking of doing something different this year.

I have come up with two things....

either, a day out at a race course driving a tvr tuscon...or...

we have never been on holiday together, we have never had the money, so i was thinking take him for the weekend to paris...

I know you cant speak for my man, but out of the two, which would you prefare?? they are both going to cost around the same. thanks for any input.

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Based on his preferences, I would go for the day at the race course. I know that doesn't do much for you, but it will be incredible for him and he will surely appreciate it.


Paris sounds wonderful too, but that sounds more like something you would like, and he probably wouldn't enjoy it as much. If this is truly a gift you want to give to him, for him, then the race track sounds perfect.


Personally, *I* would prefer the trip to Paris....but I am not into cars.

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I am a 24 year old male. I love to travel, and I dont like racing cars. So, I cant really relate to your guy. Personally I would go to Europe any chance I could get, and I spent a week in Paris a few years ago.


If I were you I would just present him with both options and see which one he picks. Let him know it would cost about the same, and he might decide a weekend get-away to Paris sounds better than a day at the track.


Good luck.

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The thought of the TVR had me drooling but to be honest I think I would actually want to do the 'spend time abroad with my significant other' deal instead. I think that would be awesome!!!!! I'm jealous, your man's got himself a fantastic catch there (by catch I of course mean you)


but technically they could spend anywhere together and it would be just as special to him.. i think the paris thing is more of a romantic thing, which i would think would appeal to most woman more.. unless he has intrestes there..

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hi, thanks to everyone who has replied up to now.... i am so confused.lol

he has never mentioned paris as such, i know he has been once before when he was young with his family, its not that paris is significant at all, its just money is tight and its the same price as the tvr thrill thing i saw

he is obsessed with cars..but i know he has also been abroad to watch formula one one time, so in a way hes already done both.

i was thinking paris because we have never been anywhere on hols together, maybe i could incorporate the two and take him to the french grand prix next year???? bye the way....the tvr thing....he will get to drive it for an hour..

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I'm an avid lover of all things cars, motorcycles, racing, etc.. And I've also been fortunate enough to do several track days with rented cars, and they are an absolute blast. But after initially posting that you should do it, I decided to be sure and check out the TVR thrill thing, and to be honest it looks iffy. They say "your time at the venue" takes 1-2 hours, but you only get to drive 4-6 laps. At most tracks, laps are about 2-3 minutes long, so that's only like 10-15 minutes of driving time. Right...I'd go to Paris. It simply doesn't sound like much driving time. Also, the fact that they are allowing their (exotic) car to be driven by people with no racing experience means they aren't going to let your boyfriend drive as hard as he'll want to. And to be honest, while I don't know your boyfriend, if I traveled out to a racetrack and was given the keys to a freakin' Tuscson and was then told to "take it easy," and for only 15 minutes, I'd just leave wanting more. Hell, even by some weird chance they let him drive the crap out of the car, the time thing is the most troubling to me.


What I'd do instead is dress up in your nicest clothes, call a TVR dealer in your area, schedule a test drive and get a similar experience for FREE. And then get on the Eurostar (I assume you're in the UK) and have a great time in the city of love.


As a reference, i was looking at this:


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hi john...i have kind of had no choice in the whole car matter lol. i didnt even know the names/makes of any car was til i met him...he works with cars, he hints at an actual tvr for a xmas present (joking of course!)....anyway thankyou to everyone who has replied up to now, i think my mind is made up to go for the tvr thrill experience, i appreciate all the input from you guys....merry xmas to all xxxx

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