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How do you bounce back when reality batters your belief system...

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The only "love" that conquers all is not of a romantic nature. Rather it is the "love" that God/Spirit/Universe/The Force/Higher Power/or whatever your belief system calls that thing that is greater than ourselves has for us as its children/creations/expressions.


IMO, the fault generally lies not a in belief system itself, but rather our occaisional misinterpretations of it.

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Yes, life is tough sometimes and sometimes it all goes as we'd like but that's life, eh? What you do is lay it to bed and move past it. Carrying it with you is like walking through life with heavy chains being your constant companions and if you hang on the arm of anyone else, you end up dragging them back with you unless they are really, really strong... and few people are.

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i do believe love can conquer all - but the one important piece to me stating that is this -


love does not exist or conquer in a vaccum


if i was with someone and we were having troubles and she left, i could love her more than the moon and the stars above but unless she returns that love [which is the enabler to start working together again] then my love has no power whatsoever. loving someone will not make them love u back, it will only have power if they love u as well.


does that make sense?

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...and love does not, as promised, conquer all?


I think this is one of those hard lessons in life that at some point or another we all have to learn.


It is idealistic, but not realistic to believe this is true. Love is a combination of feelings, hard work, maintainance and nurturing... something that actually takes effort from both parties to sustain, and unfortunately, it is not infallable.


Have you just gone through a breakup?


What makes you ask this question?

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Have you just gone through a breakup?


What makes you ask this question?


Not recently, no.


I´m not only referring to romantic love. Im talking about any kind of love.


We are thought love cures, heals it all and moves mountains. Well not in all cases.


Reality also batters your system of beliefs when you suffer something traumatic (which I havent suffered either), and I´m just wondering what do poeple do for getting themselves back together when they receive a suckerpunch in the face by life.

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We are thought love cures, heals it all and moves mountains. Well not in all cases.


Reality also batters your system of beliefs when you suffer something traumatic (which I havent suffered either), and I´m just wondering what do poeple do for getting themselves back together when they receive a suckerpunch in the face by life.


Again, I'm going back to fault lying in an individual's interpretation of a belief system rather than the belief system itself.


Our disappointment comes when things don't work out the way we think they should (a loved one dies instead of being cured, a lover leaves instead of staying) and we question our entire belief system. However, we are not able to see the bigger picture and how the greater good is served by the events that happen -- even if we do not interpret those specific events as "good".


At that point we can give up on our belief system and feel there is no meaning and it's all pointless and fall into despair.....OR we can take a step back, grieve our losses and develop a deeper and stronger faith that there IS meaning and a point and a reason and we all have a part to play in a larger picture that no one single human being can ever comprehend.


That's how it's played out for me numerous times on a variety of different events that seemed designed to shake one's faith -- from bad break-ups to personal illness/injury, to cutting off contact with my family, to sudden unexpected deaths of loved ones, and so forth. When I've chosen to take the road and the mindset that there IS a reason for these challenges, ultimately I end up being given the gift of a deeper and stronger faith in Spirit/Universe/Divine Intelligence/God/The Force or whatever you want to call it. Over time, this has made it possible for me to notice and appreciate the miraculous in the everyday more often than not and know that we are surrounded by love at all times, even though many do not feel it.

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