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questions about me meeting my ex this week HELP

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so if you read my lasts posts u will see what i am talking about..this girl who is the sweetest and most classiest girl in the world knows i love her to death and she told me that no one has treated her like i have. She broke it off because i didnt have a job basically which in turn made her confused about her feelings toward me...she fell in love with me about 3 months ago..its been 3 weeks since the break up and i am so happy..i got my new job and it is awesome i told her about and she couldnt be happier..she wants to be independent for while and she went out of her way to tell me she is not looking for anyone..well she is meeting me for a celebration drink this week and i am so nervous..i am going to be myself..but whats good to talk about??? how can i tell if she still really loves and cares about me?? should i bring up the relationship? when we spoke a week ago i asked if she sill thinks about me and she said ofcourse i have your pic up in my place and i see your face everyday. I am calling her tonight to setup the date or what have u for thurs..i am so nervous to call..help help help her knowing that i love her, do u think shek would of agreed to meet if she didnt still think there was a chance..?

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Can I ask why you having a job was so important to her? I think that this is a question you need to look at because your feelings for this girl is waivering from this question.


If you feel it would help your situation to meet with your ex and talk to her then do so, but be warned that she may not want to get back with you and may find that she wants to be friends.

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It sounds like she still cares for you-if she still has a pic of you up and you are meeting for drinks than the feeling must be mutual that you are both still interested. I can't get past that she broke up with you because you didn't have a job-to me that should be a time to support you-you are the same person regardless if you are employed or not! It just sounds like she is giving you the right signals. I would just try and have small talk during your drink and see how it goes-if it goes well, ask if she wants to go out again! Take it from there and good luck!

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