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met someone but felt horrible after hanging up with her

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hey everyone, I met this girl the other day at this party and got her phone number and we talked tonight. While talking we constantly flirted and laughed together and were open to sexual conversation..it was very odd. However, after a 2 hour talk on the phone I came out feeling terrible..I broke up with my girlfriend 3 months ago and I felt so weird..I felt like I shouldn't be flirting because I guess I can say I feel like it was supposed to be for my ex..I know it's a terrible thing to think but do you guys think I should lay off on relationships of any kind for a while until I completely move on? I just feel terrible right now..it is hard to explain..well I hope you all can help me out with this one because this is just weird..take care..

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Yea man. If you're still feeling that way, you're not ready to be in another relationship just yet. Also..., and this is just my thing..., 2 hour phone calls are no good. I'd keep them to 10 minutes at the most. Two hour conversations should be had in person. Not on the phone. But again, thats just my thing.

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I had this same reaction with the guy I'm now seeing even though I didn't have a sexual conversation with him. It had been about two months since my ex broke up with me and I went out with this guy. I had a great date but I came home and just cried over my ex. At first I thought it was because I wasn't over my ex and I guess part of it is that. I still have days where I miss him terribly. But later I realized that it was me letting go of him. I had saved all of these feelings for him, we were supposed to spend the rest of our lives together and talking to this new guy felt like cheating. Then I realized that he had decided that I was not the one he wanted and I had to let him go. That was the last tear I shed over the ex and I'm really opening up to this new guy.

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yeah my ex and I always talked about marriage too..everyday about our children and meeting our families and thats why I have been struggling so badly..especially when the person all of a sudden changes on you and doesnt respect you at all..but I need to just relax and hang out and hopefully I will feel better..thanks everyone.

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