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Problems in the bedroom...

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Im a 23 year old male, and I am still a virgin.


I recently met a girl at a party, and we have been going out for about a month now, and everything is fantastic between us. We have attempted to have sex a number of times, but each time I have failed to get aroused.


I masturbate fairly frequently, often to porn, and tend to last quite a long time, anything from 10 mins to 2 hours, depending on how much im enjoying the porn, im never in a rush to cum.


No matter what she tries, she cannot get me aroused. If she gives me a hj it just doesnt give me any kind of sensation at all, same with a bj. It just doesnt feel the same as when I do it myself.


If I give myself a hj I can get hard, and have managed to go inside her, but again I just cant feel anything when I am having sex, and I soon lose the hardon.


If i try to masturbate in her presense, then it seems to take longer than when im on my own, and its a bit harder to make myself cum.


At first we both put it down to nerves, however as time goes by im beginning to wonder, i feel perfectly comfortable being around her, but im still having trouble. I think i do still have that niggling thought in the back of my head that I need to cum, and maybe im still concentrating too much on this.


Why is it that both sex and a BJ do not give me any sort of sensation at all, I can barley even feel that she is doing anything? When she gives a hj i can feel it, but I need to teach her my technique, doing it her way doesnt work.


Anyone got any advice?

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He did say everything was fantastic between them so why do you people assume he's not attracted to her?

My advice would be this dude. Stop masturbating! If you stop.. you will surely have an urge to come... also.. you are so used to getting off by things you do.. that you will have to retrain yourself to orgasm by stuff you do to her or she does to you.

I know when I masturbate too much sometimes it interferes with being satisfied via intercourse.. Course it's like you don't have enough sexual tension or something left in your body anymore cuz you have released it so much through masturbation.

Does that make sense to you?

And the reason you aren't feelign it.. is cuz you are possibly very rough masturbating yourself. A hand and a vagina aren't going to feel like the same thing. Don't worry though. Lots of guys have felt like you and everything worked out okay.

You will get it sorted out i'm sure.

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Sounds to me like you need to give up the porn and the self-service. Kept it bottled up for a while, and it will want to come out.


You might think some sexual thoughts about her, with or without yanking it, but don't yank it to climax.

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