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Making out ...

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To me, love happens over time - when you know the person very well and with it typically comes a sense of future and commitment. It typically does not involve - especially with someone you don't know very well - having one of you use curses against the other (other than in a joking way) or actually the focus on the mechanics of sex that you two seem to have this early on in the relationship. On the one hand you say you don't know him well at all and on the other hand you say you love him. Not sure how you can love someone you don't know very well. it sounds like you love the sexual experimentation and the thrill of that, and you enjoy the romantic longing and yearning but that neither of you has the kind of communication skills that form the basis of a growing, caring relationship.

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ok, i get what you're saying. i may have come off or not explained certain things well, but i could write a book on our relationship and how it's changed over time.


long distance relationships are difficult and if not more complicated than a face to face relationship. we've never broken up in the time we've been together which i think is rare in a long distance relationship. we both tried this year though, but that's based on our frustrations of not being able to be together. though neither of us really wanted to. so i think the fact that we've been together around 4 years is quite telling of us and we know long distance relationships are larely, if not mainly, based on communication. and if it was about sex, then there would be no real point to carrying on a relationship like this.


like i said, i could go on and on about it, but like you said, maybe we just have different definitions.

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