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No Sleep Always Awake

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Hey Guys,

so I've got a lot on my chest lately and i havn't slept a total of 10 hours in the last 2 weeks and its making school and everything else just plain miserable. My grandmother is dieing so its really hard and my dad is being very stressed so in exchange he's being extremely mean and verbaly abusive so.


I was wondering if anyone had any advice on anything I could do? I talk to my doctor and he said I had to stop dieting and stop excersizing so I'm not sure whats the deal? I'm just way too active at night to fall asleep and by the time school comes I'm dead tired. But, when I come home I can't fall asleep for more then an hour. I've tried sleep aids but, they dont help very much because I just wake up.


Any help would be great thanks guys

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I am sorry you seem to be in such a situation.


I think that if you take the doctor's advice and stop dieting, it will help. Dieting alone can cause sleep problems and particulary insomnia (tough to sleep when your body thinks it is starving...to whatever degree that may be true).


I wish I could offer more help but I am one with regular sleeping patterns.

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I can never sleep either. IT makes me late for work. Should I be more of an adult. Sure...er...Maybe..


Thing is, I let stuff get to me. I feel deeply. sometimes in the SAD direction. I just don't understand sometimes why things are the way they are, even when you do things to change them.


I am learning though...


Have you tried the usual warm bath, tea or maybe some exercise a few hours BEFORE? Not directly before you go to bed, but exercise could help.


I just wanted to post and let you know that someone gets it...

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Chamomile tea can be relaxing in the evenings. It may be an aquired taste but a few cups and it can have noticeable affects.

I drink about 5 cups a night.

A few drops of lavender oil on the pillow and a nice cuddly teddy can help too.

Hope this passes for you and you feel better soon.

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Well the thing is I was on a Muscle building diet.....and i would workout around 7:30-8:30 and go to bed around 10 and he told me not to excersize at all along with diet. I was doing a navy seal pre-challenge highschool program. With the soothing thing it usually works the opposite what is suppose to happen. Usually my source of sleeping is boring myself to sleep, and it takes quite a long time. I can't tell you how many times i've watched Finding Nemo, Shrek 1 / 2 , Deep Blue Sea, High Fidelity, and hundred's of other movies. Usually ill watch the same movie for a week straight but still only get about 2 hours of sleep after that.


It's 3:35 and I'm still not tired and I have to be at school in 2 1/2 hours. I talked to a nurse friend from the UK about prescription sleeping pills but, the risk of getting addicted is scary. As for the depressive side need2bme I understand because it's making me fail i have 4 F's so not resting and always being in a bad mood does make you sad. Not only that it makes small things affect me more as in im more vulnerable (spelling) to stuff.

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Have you considered talking to an alternative therapist, eg a herbalist or nutritionist.

It may have been the time of day that you were exercising. Stimulating activity around bedtime may not help.

You may need to try lots of different things to find what works for you.

Sometimes it can be about slowing down thoughts so that the mind is less

active which you are putting yourself through with the repetitive movies.

In the past I have tried focusing on my breathing, or counting backwards from 100.

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it sounds like you aren't getting yourself relaxed enough to go to bed. exercise actually keeps you awake, so you should maybe switch around your workout routine, ie, work out in the morning. And it sounds like your doctor thinks you should improve your diet.


you may want to read up on meditation and do some before trying to fall asleep. you need to get your mind relaxed and stop worrying about the problems of the day. If you take an over the counter sleeping pill, then you need to set aside at least 8 hours for sleeping.

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Make sure that you don't exercise anytime closer than a few hours before you go to bed, exercising gives you energy and it will make it that much harder for you to get to sleep.


Try to cut out caffeine, if you're drinking a lot of soda of coffee or anything like that.


And you said sleep aids aren't working, but maying you should try to get prescribed sleeping pills, which are usually stronger than over the counter sleep aids.


Hope you get some sleep and things work out...



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it might be stress or you are working thru some issues. sometimes its hard but necessary to push yerself untiul you figure things out then chances are you'll get back to normal sleeping and life again. stay positive and find a woman that can 'help' you get to sleep - wink.


speaking of sleep - nite nite all

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