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Can't stand other guys.....

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Hi there. I have a bit of a dilema here. Lately I cannot stand it when other guys try to make the moves on my girlfriend. Even when they are talking to her I can kind of tell what they are implying. Also some guys at school make fun of her which we both don't know why. Every time a guy talks to her (excluding my two best friends) I feel that they are hitting on her. Now my girlfriend loves me to death and I love het to death as well. Is there something wrong with me.

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I think it's natural to feel jealous to a certain extent. However, you must ask yourself why you feel the way you do. Are you concerned that your girl will start showing an interest in somebody else? But you say that you love each other...so when you see a guy talking to her, remind yourself that you have a strong relationship (if that's indeed the case...if the relationship isn't strong, you've got other issues to work on). Also, try to distinguish between casual talk and flirting...try to look at it objectively and see if the guys really ARE trying to pull something, or if they are just talking to her the way you might talk to a friend.

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I want to sympathize with you but I have the same issue and I really do not consider it an issue, it is more like a privilege. My partner is not just beautiful she is down right amazing but she is the most down to earth girl I have ever met. Not to brag (yeah right) but everytime we are out doing whatever, guys trip over themselves when they see her, really i watch it happen. I used to find it annoying but I realized she was holding my hand, kissing me, calling me late at night to tell me how much she missed my smell and telling me that she loved me and wanted me in her life forever. Get the picture?


Try not to make an issue of things unless SHE is doing something that makes you uncomfortable i.e. giving out her phone number to random guys or not making it known that she is in a committed relationship.


Also realize when people see that you are happy some of the miserable people in the world want to bring you to their level. Ignore the remarks, criticism, or nagging by your classmates. It sounds like you have something they want, THEY ARE JEALOUS! Make your lady feel as though she is the only woman in the world, be the BIGGER man and she will be yours for a very, very long time.


Lastly, most men are attracted to women based upon their physical appearance. My girl tired of this long ago, when we met I thought she was hot but I listened to her when we talked, I complimented her, I asked about her family, how her day was and I still do that to this day. She knew I was into her for more than her looks. Always be the bigger man, be consistent and realize you have this girl, no one else. You 'da man right now so quit worrying!

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You can't stop other guys from checking out your woman. So rather than grumbling and getting jealous, turn your energy over to HER. You are SO lucky to have a hot girlfriend. All these guys, are jealous of YOU! Soak it up, yah thats right, she picked YOU. Go give her a smooch in public (assuming she doesn't mind that, most girls like it) next time you feel the jealousy bug. Don't be posessive though. There is a difference between giving her the attention she needs and smothering her.


Just a bit of advice: If you have one of those girlfriends who everyone else hits on, don't forget how often she is told that she is beautiful. She could have several guys each day tell her she is hot. Though it may be disrespectful to her, a small part of it is flattering. And if she hears it from everyone else more than she hears it from you, she will start to LIKE the attention from other men.


From my own experience,


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It's ok to get jealous.. everyone does, we just don't all show it the same way.


The point is, she loves you to death. She wants to be with you. Not some random guy that she is talking to for 5 minutes.


She will be flattered when others find her attractive, she will talk to guys who are talking to her, she will find others attractive at times. She's only human. The important thing is that she wants to be committed to you. She has made a committment to you because she loves you and thinks more of you than any other guy. Be proud of that.

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Also realize when people see that you are happy some of the miserable people in the world want to bring you to their level. Ignore the remarks, criticism, or nagging by your classmates. It sounds like you have something they want, THEY ARE JEALOUS! Make your lady feel as though she is the only woman in the world, be the BIGGER man and she will be yours for a very, very long time.


I've always been the bigger man with my girl, and its true if you are the bigger man then they will be yours for a long time. Thats why Ive been with my girl for 5 years now since grade 7. You know its just now that its starting to bug me like now I notice it.

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Have you been more insecure with yourself, or the meaning of your relationship lately?


Not one bit. Im going to marry my girlfriend after we graduate in June from grade 12. But for the past few months so many things have happened in my life like thats the only thing that I can think of thats making me feel the way I feel. Its like I cannot control everything else but I can control what other guys say or act toward my girlfriend, like if I don't like the way they are looking at her I can go punch the guy and get him to stop. Like you know I mean right?

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Not one bit. Im going to marry my girlfriend after we graduate in June from grade 12. But for the past few months so many things have happened in my life like thats the only thing that I can think of thats making me feel the way I feel. Its like I cannot control everything else but I can control what other guys say or act toward my girlfriend, like if I don't like the way they are looking at her I can go punch the guy and get him to stop. Like you know I mean right?


But can you really control what other guys do? Punching them might stop for that moment, but can you go punching EVERY guy for showing interest in your girlfriend? Do you really think it would be worth the time?


Your girlfriend wants to be committed to you either way..

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But can you really control what other guys do? Punching them might stop for that moment, but can you go punching EVERY guy for showing interest in your girlfriend? Do you really think it would be worth the time?


Your girlfriend wants to be committed to you either way..


Well I can't really control what they do but by punching them out I can make them stop, right? By myself I cant punch out every guy that show interest. And your right its not worth my time. + I know that my girlfriend want to be commited to me either way if she wasnt then why would we still be together today after 5 years.

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Well I can't really control what they do but by punching them out I can make them stop, right? By myself I cant punch out every guy that show interest. And your right its not worth my time. + I know that my girlfriend want to be commited to me either way if she wasnt then why would we still be together today after 5 years.


Well, if you punch a guy.. he might stop talking to your girlfriend, but he will probably also punch you back.


And at the same time, your girlfriend might feel a bit controlled, like she can't have freedom to talk to who she wants because you will put an end to it. I would not want a boyfriend that went around beating other guys up just for showing some interest. It's like she's not allowed to be attractive to anyone but you. That can start being a burden on her life more than anything.

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What has changed since the beginning of your relationship?


First of all our age. Second my friends, some of them became more along the lines of aquaintances. I have only 2 friends + my girl that we hang out with. Some issues here at home. My girlfriend wanted to have a baby a few months ago.

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Wait... your girl wanted to have a baby?! What grade are you in! Look at it rationally... either you'd drop out or become extremely stressed... a baby is not what you both need!


Grade 12. But I convinced my girl that a baby right now is not the best option. Its all in my other thread in the "Pregnancy" forum.

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