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new here and need some advice

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here is the background...


i am 21, my fiancee is 22. we have a 4 yr old son together. 3 months ago we moved down to alabama from northern michigan. we were staying with his brother... i left all my family up there, so to say the least after 5 weeks in alabama, i was wanting to go back home. i talked to him about this and he didn't want to go back, so he called his mother who lives in florida, and my son and i went to stay with her for a couple of weeks... my fiancee then came down to be with us, and i somehow let myself get talked into living down here in florida now. i am really not happy here and still want to move back to michigan to be with my family. i have discussed this with him numerous times, he will act like hes listening, then the next day it is like we did not even talk about it. i feel like i am stuck here. his mom will call, and tell him to apply for such and such a job and he will just do it.. he never tells her no, it is like her feelings come before mine. i love him to death we have been together for 7 years, but i do not know how to make him understand how miserable i am... i am VERY close to my family and being so far away from them is hurting me, i can't deal with just seeing them a couple of times a year. how do i make him understand? to see things from my point of veiw, he is used to seeing his family only a couple of times a year. i know he loves me, i just do not see it. i don't think i will be okay until i am back home...


any advice will be greatly appreciated




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Wow, I'm not sure what I would do here..this is tricky

You want to be close to family, understandably so.

He may want different things. Have you guys discussed your future prior to this?

Either way you are now you are at a point, where he doesn't seem to want to hear you on this. And you can't make him understand you, you can try a new approch... but he has to try too & want to make this work. Someone will have to make a serious sacrifice, to remain together.

are you are willing to leave him behind if he is not willing to go with you????


You need to sit him back down, when you child is asleep, and have a heart to heart.

Tell him you aren't happy & miss your family. You need him & you need your family..is there a way to have both??


I wish you happiness

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