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meeting parents


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Flowers, definitely, just a small bouguet of roses on a small bowl like vase, ya know where the roses stems are cut short and just the blooms are out of the top of the small fish bowl like vase?


this is always a perfect hostess gift, and it's very polite to bring a small gift like this.. it's classy, and considerate.. and she can put it anywhere on the table or on the counter if it's petite and classy...


do NOT go empty handed, and a small boguet of flowers already in a small vase is PERFECT, no need to "ask" your boyfriend if this is appropriate, just do it because it represents YOUR style of kindness, gratitude, and consideration for being invited into her home...


(and the other nice thing about it, is that it's "not trying to hard" it's just the polite thing to do, to bring something that says thank you to the hostess, you can't fail with a small rose bouguet already in a vase, with just a bit of water in it, (so it doesn't spill in the car) this way all she has to do is add some water, she doesn't have to look around for something to put the flowers in..)...

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I know what you mean about meeting parents. I hate meeting parents. I would just bring flowers. Be sweet and confident...also recognize that you are seeing what his family is like not just the reverse. See if they are nice/accomodating. My mother trusts me to pick out a good man so she is always very sweet to the people I bring over and never judgmental...I usually expect the same from the guy's parents. Although, a few men have brought flowers and that is a nice gesture.

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Also when it doubt about what to say, it's always a great idea to find whomever you are talking to interesting, even if you are just being polite, ask questions, where did you grow up, how long have you been married, how did you two meet? Was he a great little boy?


Parents love these questions and love talking about themselves and thier family, if you show an interest in them, they will be left feeling very good about the time spent with you... people love talking about themselves.. and you will learn so much about them too... and yeah, I like the flower idea too...but the candle is nice as well...

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hmmm... thanks for the suggestions... i didn't think about the wine one.... although I guess there is going to be 20 people there!!! i also appreciate the one about asking about him.... i haven't met any parents since I was in HS and I am sooooooo nervous about meeting them!!!!

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I was in the same boat on sunday, i met my boyfriends family,was invited round for sunday dinner. I feel bad now because i went empty handed...oops!

I was polite, dressed smart, and was just myself, the whole family were really nice (which i knew they would be as my boyfriend's a darling!) and they made me feel very comfortable and welcome.

The next day my fella told me his mum said " she seemed a tease" I was really shocked and said "why? because i sat by your dad?" He laughed and told me she said i'd seemed at ease.....phew!

Just be yourself and let her see how into her son you are, if they can see he is happy they will instantly like you! Good luck and have fun

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