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Imaginary relationships - how to stop them!

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There's this guy I have a crush on, and the rational me knows that I barely know anything about him. Yet because of all my imaginary conversations with him (lame, I know), I feel like I know him.


It's just difficult to dissociate between the person he is and the person I perceive him to be (and I've been realizing recently that there is a significant discrepancy between the two), partly because I subconsciously want him to fulfill this idealized persona I've created. But it's obviously wrong and needs to be stopped. How do I go about doing that?

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Wow. That's one pickle...


I suppose it depends on whether you actually WANT something to happen with this person. There's a big difference between having a crush on something impossible (fan vs. celebrity) or there are situations where the chances of you getting with this person are actually probable.


I think many many people imagine themselves in relationships with celebrities. It's their dream. They know it's unrealistic, and that's why they do it. As far as I'm concerned, it's perfectly normal, except if it gets to the point of utter obsession of course.


Now, if you actually want this guy to be a part of your life, there is only one thing I can recommend doing. Act on your crush as soon as you can. When you get to the point where you start fantasizing, it's probably safe to say that your crush is pretty big, and you should tell that person how you feel!


If you don't you might create this image of the person that is absolutely impossible for that person to fulfill, because your expectations might be way too high for him! So why not act before these expectations even have a chance to form?


Just how I'd go about doing it =)


Hope I helped.

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Yeah bite the bullet and ask him out sooner rather than later. I once had a crush on someone for 3 years, i fantasized all sorts about him, was mad on him, took me 3 years to tell him how i felt. Then he said (hahahaha)....I know...i just like you as a friend though.

Was sooo gutted, if i'd been brave enough to tell him 3 years earlier, i wouldnt have wasted so much time day dreaming about a guy who wasnt interested!

If he says yes, thats great, if he says no, look on the bright side at least you will know where you stand and you'll get over him and be able to move on to someone who will return the feelings.

If you dont ask...you dont get!

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