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Where should you touch?

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Ok, so I have a good bit of experience of kissing, but recently I've been wondering where you should put your hands when you're kissing a guy. Like, I like if he gently strokes my face, has his arms around my waist or strokes my arms. but where do guys like you to touch when you're kissing them?


My boyfriend loves it when i kind of like hold the back of his head and play with his hair.... maybe put your hand on his cheek/chin area...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just try a bunch of things with him while you two are kissing, and have a convo with him about it later. Ask him what he liked and what he didn't like. If he's not a talker, try to figure out by his responses during the whole thing.


Ideas would be to run your fingers through his hair, his chest (I guess this makes them feel manly), back, neck, etc..

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