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My girlfriend cheated on me


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My girlfriend cheated on me at the beginning of the summer. It was really tough for me to take since it was the first time I had ever been cheated on. We discussed it and I asked her if she had any real feelings for this guy. She told me that she didnt and that it meant absolutely nothing. I forgave her for it. I told her that I didnt want to hear anything more about him though because every time I thought about it, it just hurt too much. Things seemed to be going fine for a month or so after she cheated, but then she started distancing herself from me. Eventually we went on a break, and finally she broke up with me. She told me she broke up with me because I wasnt giving her enough space and that she wanted room. College started in the summer and we began to see eachother again and eventually we started dating. We have been going out for almost two months. However, this morning I was on her computer and came accross a message from the guy she cheated on me with. I know this wasnt right of me at all to do, but I checked her chat logs with him. In the chat that she had with him only a month ago (while we were dating) she was getting mad at him that he didnt want to get with her. She said that she broke up with me so that she could be with him. I also know that he visited her once at the beginning of the school year and that she still keeps in touch with him. I confronted her about the chats, and she blew up on me (which is understandable) and said that I broke our trust. I decided to give us space to think about things and in a few days we would talk again. In a way though, I feel like I was/am being used. Im at such a loss. Am I being used and what should I do?

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I just want her to be completely honest with me and tell me everything that went on. I feel like if she does, then I might be able to forgive her. I just love her so much that its hard to just end it. Also, the reason that she gave for not telling me is that she thought it would hurt me too much if I knew she left me for this guy.

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I just want her to be completely honest with me and tell me everything that went on. I feel like if she does, then I might be able to forgive her. I just love her so much that its hard to just end it. Also, the reason that she gave for not telling me is that she thought it would hurt me too much if I knew she left me for this guy.



If you forgive her, she'll think you'll forgive her again which you probably would and she'll cheat again, and again and again

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She's using as both a doormat and a back-up b/f, time to throw her where she belongs, the curb. Amazing how she breaks up with you to be with the same guy she inicially cheated on you in the first place and then when the guy rejects her, she comes back crawling to you, holy crap, get rid of that liar. If it weren't for that guy rejecting her she would have still be with him, even make a relation with him and you probably would have never heard from her again.


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I just want her to be completely honest with me and tell me everything that went on. I feel like if she does, then I might be able to forgive her. I just love her so much that its hard to just end it. Also, the reason that she gave for not telling me is that she thought it would hurt me too much if I knew she left me for this guy.




I am sorry, but as hard as it may be, you need to get some backbone and dump her, and do it quick. You say you love her, but trust me she doesn't love you. You can't love someone and cheat on them. She loves that you love her, she loves that you are going to be there in case things don't work out. You are like her ace in the hole. I am sorry dude, if you go back with her, she will do it again, and again. I have been there, and you want to believe they won't do it again, but they will.


Here is another thing. She doesn't respect you, and that respect will only decrease if you continue with her. Dude, you need to respect yourself, and I don't believe you do.


Again, I know you love her, but nobody is worth losing your diginity over. NOBODY!


You need to wake up. Instead of acting like a hurt puppy dog, be more like a P.O'd Pitbull and say later for you.


When you do this, she will respect you more, and no doubt will probably beg you back, but don't give in. You deserve better, and if you don't leave her, you will be setting yourself for more pain. A LOT MORE PAIN. Trust me, on this.

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It funny . I can almost relate. I was inlove with a guy ( are situations are different) I still love this guy now I am seeing another guy just to keep my mind off of the main guy I love. Yea it's being used Yea you are being used prolly so she wont be so hurt over the other guy

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You need to dump her man. Don't tell her that you know she's been talking to this guy but just leave her. As someone else has said, cheaters will cheat again. I don't believe in second chances but it is clear as daylight that she is a lier. Also, I should say that in my opinion, when a woman's reason for breaking up is "space" that is a cover.

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