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Bf and I broke up few days ago. Need Advices..thanks

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My bf and I broke up few days ago because we were having way too much problem. Reason, He was living with an ex girlfriend and other people. They went out 13 years ago. So, theyre just friends and nothing more. I wish i realized that sooner than now. I was having problems with them. I didn't like the things they did or she did. I guess I was jealous and my mind was only thinking about that. I guess I didnt see what was in front of me and now he is gone. We were so happy and loved. I pushed him away. I knew it would happen. It was bothering me and I couldn't handle it. I stayed because I love and care for him. He got tired of me and my issues. I dont blame him. I went a litttle crazy. I started to not trust him/her. I snooped around a lot. I became the crazy girlfriend.


I cant stop crying. He treated me so good to me . it is so hard to let this go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but we had many problems.. and i didnt really like his ex.


this is my longest relationship i was in. so its hard for me.

I was planning on breaking up with him too because neighter one of us were happy toward the end. I guess I was afraid. He did it for me. He ask to break up. I am sad that this happened. I know it was for the best.


I went over yesterday to get rest of my stuff. We talked a little bit and I cried of course asking him back that I will change for good. He said no, not now. Maybe later in the future. He said that maybe i'll find someone better than him. He said he is happy without me for now. I know he isnt over me yet.. im sure with time he wil move on. When i went to his house. he invited me inside and went up to his room and talked. and I saw our pics on his comp still.. and gifts n cards i gave him too...


We said our good-byes and we hugged each other. I saw him walking away and he turned around and it made me happy. It was soo hard to do this but I had to.


I know he still love me n care for me in deep inside of him. He is just sick of tired of the drama and disappoiinted of what I became or done to him. I really do love him soo much and care for him.

I really want to try again later though. I know I could be a better person. I have a feeling that he will come back soon.


Do people after breaking up get back toghther again? If so, How long do u wait for that to happen? months? years? If it was really meant to be.. it wuold happen right?


Should i give him few month to see if he talks to me again? or Should I just move on?

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Basically there where too many problems, its like a balance scale, if the bad things outweigh the good things in the relationship its not a good decision to stay with eachother, clearly it was more misery then both of you could handle, so indeed it was a wise decision to break up. So only if the things that created the problems are solved, the balance will outweigh the good things over the bad things which make the relationship sustainable, and if two people really love eachother then they have the ability to stay together if they desire so. In your case the problems caused to drive a wedge between the two of you.

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