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ok i believe this is day 13 or so without cocaine for me. counting makes me think about it which makes me want it so i havent been counting. anyway last night after work im down at my store hanging out out side trying to bum a ride. one of my friends i have used with came up to me and said " hey, ill line you up, just you if you can find a place" and i said no.


I TURNED DOWN FREE COKE! all i can think about lately is this girl i totally love,and she knows who she is, and when he said that i thought of my promise to her and i was able to say no. i just wanted to let you all know where im at with that whole issue.


by the way if any one has any tips for quiting that dont involve therapy, or anything that would be really appreciated.


thanks all.


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Way to go Personally, I don't understand the appeal of coke. I've tried it on several occasions, but it doesn't really do anything for me... certainly not anything worth the price. Nobody I've talked to who does coke has been able to give me a good reason why they do it either.


Unless you have some great and wonderful reason that you can explain why coke is "worth it", then I think you have your "tip" right there -- just tell yourself over and over again that it's not worth it.

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hey, it's good to know you're alive. i was kind of wondering whatever happened to you.


as a guy who was once addicted to (fill in the blank) i don't know if it's possible never to think about the thing that once had you by the balls. the mind works the way it works, and there's not much we can do to change that. but what you CAN do is show your mind who's boss every time it brings up the subject. here's a quick example of what i'm talking about:


BRAIN: want drugs.


YOU: F off!


BRAIN: no, want druuuugs!


YOU: go to hell, brain! that slop tied my life in a knot, and i'll be damned if i got this far away from it just to have you ruin things for me. so sit there and scream all you want, i'm not falling for it.


BRAIN: D'oh...

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