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can a guy really fall in love this fast?

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hello, I met this guy about two weeks ago and he has been coming to see me alot. He stays at my house alot and we seem to get along really well. The other day he told me that he loves me and he knows that it has only been a couple weeks. I told him that I love him back I think I really do but I"M kinda scared because he said it so fast. Is it possible for a guy to fall in love with a girl so soon?

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I think you can feel love for someone and being with someone that soon.


However, it takes many more weeks to get to know someone and determine if you are compatible with them or if you even want to think about being with them long term.


Be careful not to say too much or make too many promises before you are confident you can follow through.


Something about a honeymoon period. And it's true!

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Depends on the situation, I think. A couple of weeks can be enough time to decide that you're infatuated and deeply interested in someone, which can then deepen to love, if the situation is right.


Generally, every time my exes said I love you within the first week or two, the relationships didn't fare so well....but I did have one say after two weeks that he thought he was falling in love with me, and we were together for four years. So you never know.


Go with your gut.

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SeaBisquit, what do you think? I'd like to hear!


I think it is fast, but in real life sometimes things work out in weird ways and not always 'perfect'.


Ok, so he said 'I love you' real quick. What about the rest? Time will tell. There is no deep commitment with those words. You're still getting to know each other, and so long as you keep that in mind you should be just fine. Don't allow it to colour your vision pink of him, that's all.



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I've been with a few people who have told me they loved me really fast. IT puzzled me as well. Im just like HUH, we've known eachother for only a little while! I'd watch out and maybe not take it so serious. Love is not a word to throw around, and sometimes people confuse it with lust. People are even willing to throw that word around when they want something. So I'd just be careful.

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i met him about three months ago at a bar he drove me home and we had a few drinks at my house. I never told him if I was married or single. He was seprated and having lots of trouble with his marriage. I wrote it off as a one time fling. then i would see him drive by my house alot and i would always look away because i was embarrassed that i brought home someone from the bar. About a month ago he started fooling around with one of my friends. I knew they just hooked up for sex. We were all sitting at the bar together it was really akward because my friend didn't know that I had been with him. My friend ended up dumping him that night. He came up to me and told me that he does remember me and that he has been trying to see me for along time but i have been avoiding him. He left his wife a few days after. I told him that I would not date a married man even if he had troubles in his marriage. He says I'm not a rebound. Part of me thinks it's fate another part is waiting for the BIG BOMB to drop.

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WARNING WARNING REBOUND!!! I know that when someone tells you he loves you, it's special, but this guy sounds like he's taking it way too fast. He's just getting out of a marriage and he already loves someone else. Something's not right here. I think that if you really like this guy, take time, tell him that it's too fast for you. You don't want to be the rebound, cus it'll hurt you more in the end, it won't really hurt him. To me, it just sounds like he wants one thing from you, and that's not unconditional love. Just take it easy.

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A bit soon after leaving his wife.

Sure this could be wonderful, but...

He needs time to resolve his feelings from the marriage.


I'm getting over a marriage, and it took at least 6 months to get my head together, and another 6 months to be whole again.

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I think one can maybe think it is love, and truly believe it depending on their experiences, but I think at two weeks in you love the idea of love, more than the real person. This does not mean love will not occur in time. I think a lot depends on your own experiences and perceptions of love though and what you believe it to be.


For me "true love" develops over time as you get to know the person (good and bad) and share experiences together. At this point, you still know one anothers "best first impressions" and are falling for "impressions" rather than the real person.


Now, in YOUR case, I am extremely worried that he is still technically married and just left his wife (if true) and that he would drive by your house and everything (which to me is kinda creepy after just one "date"....something just seems "not right" to me here.

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My boyfriend told me he loved me fast also. We've been together for 1 1/2 years so I guess it all depends on if the feelings are REALLY there on both sides and if you can make it work. But one down thing about it is, He said he loved me so fast and he got REALLY comfortable fast. Like we stopped going out a lot and I saw that I was calling him more than he was calling me and stuff. If that does happen, the best thing to do is talk about it. But yeah, it's not always a bad thing if he says I love you so soon. You just got to be on the same page.

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