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a loser

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i dont know wat it is, i try so hard i give and give...wat do i get? dumped and/or cheated on. im a 19 yr old male and on friday nite i had another relationship end with my partner cheating on me. this is killin me cuz it happens to me all the time, theres got to be something wrong with me. this has me so down. i was with this last girl for 4 mo. i really had strong feelings for this girl she said she didnt wanna rush into sex...and me being the nice person that i am...i told her she has as much time as she needs. well friday nite she went and got drunk at a party and had sex with some other guy! and i thought this girl was somethin special. i jus dont have any confidence in myself nemore. i feel so insecure and hopeless...like ill never find one that truly loves me. could somebody help

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Frankly, it sounds as if you are "too nice." Not trying to be harsh on you, but if you look around at all the guys who acted like jerks your whole life, you'd notice that most of them get women. And you are nice, and you get not much. Why? Well, in all likelihood, you probably think that being nice is the way to go to get women to like you. It's not. You should not be nice to get anything from a woman, be nice because you are nice, not because it is part of a deal for you to get love, attention and affection.


You being you should be enough to get a woman, and you need to believe that is true before any woman ever will.


I think you should get to reading a lot of the stuff geared at teaching men how to be players, to begin with. Try: link removed and sign up for it's free emails; link removed; and any number of others you will easily find.

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Sorry to say there are alot of bad apple women out there and not all waiting for sex women will cheat on you. Well I know how you feel i keep meeting bad apple men and i'm waiting to meet a good nice man.I might complain about men but i can't let bad apple people change me into them bad apples.

What you need to do nmbrc193 is be yourself NICE and just screen your women more careful the next time.A man doesn't have to be a jerk just to get a good woman.

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nmbrc193. I agree with Quite girl. "Be yourself NICE and just screen your women more carefully next time. A man doesn't have to be a jerk just to get a good women" (And to be honest, I don't know any jerk that has KEPT a good women)


My Finacee, was just like you. He is a good man, a wonderful man, the kindest loving, most understandable man I've ever met (like you sound to be.) But every girlfriend he had, prior to me, had cheated on him. usually drunk. (I knew one of the ex's, she regreted it & told me what a good bf he was)


We've been together nearly 3 years now, I cherish him and I know that he's one in a million. It may take time to find a women who will apprecaite you & realize what she's got. But it will happen!

Don't let these girls & thier issues, discourage you.

Be you, be kind, nice & understanding - inspite of what they have done to you.

Continue to be You & someone will love you for you!

Just try to screen women better.

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