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Well i gotta big problem I met this girl about 3 weeks ago and ive been falling in love with her everyday i just think about her 24/7. but yesterday I found out that she has a Boyfriend. Now that didnt make me mad but when i got home are started lightly crying which I dont do very often but for this girl every time i cry it seems my love for her gets stronger.


But my problem is I want to go up to her and kiss her tomorrow at school. But yet i dont really know how, i mean i know how to kiss and all i just dont knw if im going to talk first or just kiss her. If you could help me before tomorrow at 6:30am i would deeply appritiate it cause i want this girl badly.



thank you



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Sorry, but if she has boyfriend you really shouldnt go and kiss her. That just might make things worse. I mean you can tell her how you do feel and see how that goes...but if she would dumb him for you then do u think she could do that to you for other guy...you just need to like faith work it self


Good Luck



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Cool your jets! Slow down! What exactly do you plan to accomplish by kissing her?? Think about it.

Her reaction will not be a good one...do you want to ruin any chance you have with her in the future? Trust me man, don't go there. Play it cool and just ignore her. You have a lot of other options, my friend. Right now, she's not one of them....

It's her choice to be in that kind of relationship, even if the guy does treat her like a bitch...that's none of your business. Be a man...walk away. Don't get in trouble.


You'll be fine...aren't there other hotties around that are single? That's what you should be wasting your energy with...

We've all been there (us older guys)...follow our lead and don't go there.

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