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hey all,


Here's my dillema...


I started university this year and have met some really cool people who have become good friends. I have told them about my sexual orientation and they were fine with it. But it seems as though i just cant find the courage to tell my friends from high school who i've been friends with forever that i'm bisexual. Some of them always say that they dont have a problem with homosexuality but i just really do not want to tell them.


And it's getting harder to conceal it now coz some of my friends from high school are starting to hang out with my new friends from university and my university friends dont know that my high school friends dont know i'm bisexual and i'm afraid that someone will slip and accidentally say something about my sexual orientation.


I love my high school friends so much but i just dont think that they can handle it because of the fact that we come from suburbia where homosexuality is kept behind close doors unlike in the city where my university is there is a lot if diversity and open-mindedness around. Am i doing the right thing trying to keep it from them or should i just tell them. Please help any suggestion is welcome. Thanks.

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well if they realize that they are in a place that is a lot different from home and know what is going on around them i don't think that they are going to mind. and if you love your friends the way you say you do don't you think they feel the same about you and won't care or mind just as long as you stay you and don't start acting different. i think that if it slips it will be fine but difficult for your friends because you didn't tell them. but i think it would be easier to tell them. and if they aren't alright with it or it is hard for them that it will get better with time they would soon realize that you are the same person that they wanted to hang out with in the first place in high school.

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