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Please help!! confused!!!

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Hi everyone,

Ive been on here for quite a while after a trumatic breakup with my ex a good while ago. Im glad to say that things between the ex is fine, communcating now and again by his initiative but to be honest, im not too bothered about him anymore. I never thought i would be able to say that!


We have been friends now but when i spend time in his company, i realise all the things that made me unhappy whilst we were together and how i know that i would never able to go back to that life! Im still glad that we have been able to be mature enough and come through it as friends and realise that we were never any good as a couple, but can be as just friends and close people to share thoughts with.


Just now, i feel that one of the things that has helped me move away from my ex is a lad at my work. Ive not only realised that there any other people out there who are not always horrible and controlling of their girlfriends but can treat you with kindness, closeness and respect The problem is tho, this lad happens to be my line manager at work although he is the same age as me. We get on absolutely amazing and we both have a great laugh when we talk. The 9 hour shifts just seem to fly by which makes the job even more better! Lately we have been texting each other after our shifts and days off. Im quite a shy girl and have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA when someone is flirting with me. The texts tho make me smile so much, even just seeing his name appear when i get one from him makes me giddy!! Like a kid lol sad i know lol


We talk about the christmas party coming up and what each other's been up to etc. There's one huge problem tho. He's got a girlfriend I know thats a seriously bad sign, obviously people will think that he's a jerk for texting and potentially flirting but i promise he's not that type atall. He's the most senstive, most down to earth person that ive ever met. He laughs a lot and always has manners, treating everyone with respect. I think with us, because we get on so well that its hard not to act the way we always are. And gradually i can feel whatever it is that i have whenever im in his company, we dont even need to speak. Its just like a huge smile is lurking underneath me. I would never say anything to him, because number one, i would never ever come between or accelerate a breakup with his girlfriend and two, i have no idea that he feels the way i do. I dont know when someone is flirting with me or how to pick up the tell tail signs of when someone likes me. Other people make lil jokes about us but i think thats them just having a giggle. Im so confused!!! please please help!!!!

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