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ok i need more info...she could be pregnant..or she couldnt i dont know


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so i left a post a couple days ago maybe last week about how my condum ripped and i came in her. this accident happened last wendsday. she hasent had her period and if she doesnt have it in 2 weeks then it seems that we are ganna be dead. i need to know what are the very first symptoms of her being pregnant (if she is or not). so far all that i know is that she has tender breasts. we were not able to get the morning after pill or anything. and i havent been able to call anyone about it. please give me the info i need and any info that can help.

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You have a few options:


1) go to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test to see if she's pregnant


2) go to your nearest Planned Parenthood clinic to get a pregnancy test and talk to them about different birth control options.


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Either way, don't freak out. Just make sure she's pregnant or not pregnant first and then worry about the rest later.

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Hi There,


Well, of course if the condom ripped there is always the chance that she could be pregnant. Tender breasts can be a sign of pregnancy, but it can also be just hormones that fluctuate during a woman's normal monthly cycle.


Without her being late for her period and a positive pregnancy test- there is no way anyone on here can tell you if she is pregnant or not.


Since you mentioned this would not be a positive thing if she were- what kind of a situation are you two in? How old are you? Are you working? Do you have access to health care? Have you talked about a plan should the test come up positive?


And, when is her period actually due?

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According to the math I've done, the chances are she is not pregnant.


Her period is due in 2 weeks, and the condom break happened over a week ago.


Other symptoms:

feeling sick, especially in the morning.

Cramps that come and go

Food cravings or aversions

smells that she finds really off-putting.

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Women can get pregnant pretty much any time of the month. And teenage girls are more fertile than other women.


However, for most women there are only a couple of days in the month when they will get pregnant, and they occur basically half-way in between periods.


But please, don't use this as a method of birth control because the odds will catch up with you!

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Yes, definintely don't use this method as it can result in an oops.


Sperm can live for up to 5-7 days, so if you have intercourse 5days before she ovulated, she can get pregnant.


So for now, I think the chances are slim, but in the future, don't use FAM as your sole method of birth control.

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so what are we saying here? im getting confused


We are saying she is most fertile half-way between her cycles.


Ovulation occurs 14 days before you expect your period, and you had intercourse 21 days before her period, so the chances of pregnancy are less but definitely not nonexistent.


I suggest taking a planned parenthood class on pregnancy/birth control since it will be very important for you to understand this before continually engaging in intercourse.

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ok i will look up those classes and talk to her about birth control.

are you positive she wont be pregnant?


It is possible for a woman to become pregnant at any time during her cycle, especially a teenager who usually has irregular cycles until their hormones have a chance to stabalize.


There is a chance she could be pregnant, but you will unfortunately have to wait until enough time has passed to take a test.


Perhaps you two should consider getting her on the pill as well as using condoms to prevent further mishaps like this?

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Ok, well you haven't done the "worst thing in the world". You tried to be responsible using condoms and such but unfortunately no method of birth control is 100% effective. These things happen and you are not the first teenager to face this possibility.


First of all, yes there is a chance she could be pregnant. Trying to calculate the exact odds and betting on an outcome is fruitless. Either she is or she isn't and the way to find out for sure is for her to get a pregnancy test. If she's already missed her period then you should be able to find out quickly whether or not she is pregnant. Like one other poster said, either go to planned parenthood or go to the drugstore and pick up a home pregnancy test. That will tell you whether you need to worry or not.


There are other method of birth control available if in the future you have a condom failure. The "morning after pill" is something available by prescription if there is an emergency. If it is taken within 48-72 hours it is very effective at preventing pregnancy.


But one final note, you need to understand that because there is no 100% effective method of birth control then there is ALWAYS a chance of pregnancy when you have sex. Yes it is reduced by using proper protection, but it is not zero. If you are going to have sex you need to be ready for this kind of possibility.

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Ladies....i think we confusing this young man with the ovulation and period cycle thing. I agree with you all about the cycle and chances being slim...but...i think we are a) confusing him and b) giving him a false sense of security.


The only way you will know is with a pregnancy test. END OF.


You weren't stupid...you were being responsible...don't knock yourself - these things happen.


If you have a job, you must be able to get the money to purchase a PT...doesn't have to be any thing flashy.


That is the only way you'll know for sure.







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I was in the same situation a couple years ago, and it turned out that she WAS pregnant... and we had already broken up..... I pretty much thought my life was over, but she decided to get an abortion (which previously I was completely against) funny things happen when its your head under the chopping block.... And everything worked out, but lets just say I haven't had sex with a girl since, its too scary!!

In retro-spect, i defintly would have bought morning after pill to be 100% sure, but you always think "that stuff doesnt happen to me"

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i know, but i guess i just dont find sex very "enjoyable" cuz i always think about what happened, and it pretty much destroys the mood for me..... I'm sure it will catch up with me sooner or later when my girlfriends wonder why i dont want to have sex with them... (not that i have numerous ones...)

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