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How do I figure this one out.


I saw my ex a few weeks ago and spent some time with him, good time!


This weekend I found out he went out with another chick.


I talked to him yesterday to ask him what it was all about. Stayed calm. Between knowing if she was his new grfriend and telling me I dont know if it will work out he didnt seem very clear on saying (which I would have done) , "look i like this girl, I just met her, please stop contacting me."


Is he playing his get-me-jealous game. He did go out with this girl that I know.


Please help, im going crazy trying to figure out what he's doing.....


Last words to him: wish you the best and hope things go well. No more contact now.

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Well, It seems as if he met someone new? And I'm sure you dont want to hear this hun, but he asked you to not contact him.. By contacting him you are pushing him away even further.


I would respect his decision, and this may be what it takes for him to realize the grass isn't greener somewhere else. He may come back to you after he realizes she isn't so great. Took my ex 2 months of dating someone else till she contacted me and came running back. I would do whats best for you.. heal. Move forward.. He will contact you if he wants to talk to you.


NC hun.. time to work on you.

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How do I figure this one out.


I saw my ex a few weeks ago and spent some time with him, good time!


This weekend I found out he went out with another chick.


I talked to him yesterday to ask him what it was all about. Stayed calm. Between knowing if she was his new grfriend and telling me I dont know if it will work out he didnt seem very clear on saying (which I would have done) , "look i like this girl, I just met her, please stop contacting me."


Is he playing his get-me-jealous game. He did go out with this girl that I know.




Last words to him: wish you the best and hope things go well. No more contact now.


boy does that suck!! do you think he is telling the truth?


If he broke up with you i would say he is telling the truth... if you broke up with him... MAYBE ita true... or it could be sour grapes

Please help, im going crazy trying to figure out what he's doing.....

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Are you trying to get back with your ex? Or are you just jealous because he found someone before you did? It seems like he's trying to move on. Since you guys are already broken up, I really don't think you have the right to question him about his dating life. Try to forget about him and move on with your life.

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I decided no contact. Thing is he says Im never going to call you again, then does 5minutes later....


I guess Ive tried everything and the best to do is NC for me to calm my emotions and make him realise what he's missing aye?


Your ex was with someone for 2 months.... and now she contacted you? Are you together now?


We ended up getting back together like a year ago, and are apart again working on things, it's a long story.. read some of my previous posts for more info.

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Well, It seems as if he met someone new? And I'm sure you dont want to hear this hun, but he asked you to not contact him.. By contacting him you are pushing him away even further.


Thats not the way I read what wonderfulconfusion wrote. I know its a bit confusing how its been written but what she said was


I talked to him yesterday to ask him what it was all about. Stayed calm. Between knowing if she was his new grfriend and telling me I dont know if it will work out he didnt seem very clear on saying (which I would have done) , "look i like this girl, I just met her, please stop contacting me."


...the way I read this is she's saying that he DIDN'T say "stop contacting me" . I think some clarification is needed here. What she's saying is that he didn't explicitly say he likes this girl and wants no contact. This is the way I read it and it makes a huge difference to any advice thats given.

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Andrew, spot on!

Sorry I was so upset when I wrote that it didnt make sense.


So let me keep you updated. He finally admitted that he wasnt with her but just flirted with this girl one night. Why on earth would he lie???


Today I decided that after this 10month rollercoaster ride I should give him back stuff that I still have at home. He was ok with it but wanted it done today. Funny though, all day he kept finiding excuses to not come by. So I told him Im bringing stuff over to where you are now, which was at a friends house. I dont think he thought Id actually do it seeing the face he pulled when I walked in...


Anyway, i gave him a call afterwards (stupid me) to clear thing out and tell him that these past 10months have been really pathetic and confusing. He told me on the phone that I had seen other guys during this time and I answered that it was normal seeing that HE didnt want to get back together!

SO my question here is, knowing that he has a few personal issues to handle and that he doesnt want to get into a relationship after I hung around for so long and let him come into my life whenever he wanted, why is he so contradictory and aggressive with me?

I know what you're all going to say: He doesnt want to be in a relationship so move on and NC....which I know is best because he needs to realise what Im worth and I need to become more emotionally stable and stop harassing him with text messages (I never thought that could be so annoying for someone!!) And you're all going to tell me that Im his safety figure for when he needs attention and doesnt want to loose this and be possesive.


I wish that someone could just tell me if you think he actually has feeling for me and why he acted like he did and lie to me about that girl?


Thank you all for your advice by the way!

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