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The Ones that Broke


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To all the ones that helped break me,

I dedicate these to you three

Without these experiences I would not be

The person that you continue to see


But I will repair and rise above

Move on and know what is right and wrong

Eventually I will find my true love

And remember you first few that made me strong


And remember as I climb that hill

As what in life does not make you ill,

Will only make you stronger

So my future loves will last longer



1. J...

The day you became more than a friend

Was a day I wished would never end

When the dream was broken we both ached much

Friends yet again, but feelings I have hidden such

Such for you to remain a friend

Though what happened between us I cannot pretend

You were closer to me than anyone before

You were the first one I could truly adore...



2. A...

Long I have admired you from far away

Years gone by yet still come has not that day

Hope is lost, you I cannot blame...

Although flickering, there remains always a flame

Do I believe that you are better alone?

I do believe that my heart still does moan

I hope you're happy, you'll be fine

Even if you will never be mine...


3. K...

You fooled me, made me feel

That I stood a chance, though it was never real

When you kiss him I look to the sky

Wishing I knew the reason why...

Why did you toy with me so?

Why tie my heart up into a bow?

Play with my feelings, abruptly finish

Your man loves you, you made me diminish...




The first one is the most meaningful to me, it was a special experience that was ruined by complicated circumstances... they say we can only learn from our experiences though, and I plan to take these with me.


Sorry for the cornyness, first time trying to write anything poetic. Been studying the likes of Frost, got me in the mood

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