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Does anyone have this? My boyfriend has this but didn't know that there was a name for it. I just found an article on it today online and emailed him. He told me when we first started dating and the first time it happened I was freaked out a little bit, but now I just laugh and enjoy.

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Oh. What Chappelle refers to as " Seemingly plutonic sleep over that leads to dry humping and eventually insertion "


I'm joking. Truth be told though, I have never encountered anyone who was sexual while sleeping and played it out unless: they were having wicked dreams, or they were faking to test the waters if they could get some with a backup excuse in case of rejection.


ouchhh, my stomach hurts i'm laughing so hard.


So TLC, do you ever have trouble knowing if your bf is awake or not? Does he talk to you and walk around too?

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This actually happened to me while I was pregnant. I can't remember when I woke up, but it was before we did the deed. Now I'm not one to ruin a good thing. After we finished, I sheepishly looked at my husband and told him that I couldn't remember how we had started. He didn't believe me at first, but he said that he had just come back from brushing his teeth, I looked at him, wiggled my eyebrows, and opened my arms up. It totally sounds like something I'd do, so I believed him. For about a month afterwards, every time we'd start making out, he'd say "You're awake, right?" Har-dee-har.


Good thing I was already pregnant!

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