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Alone, empty, betrayed

deceived, embarrassed, insecure

hurt, pain, stomachaches

lack of eating, angry, confused

depressed, worried, stressed,

time at a stand still, lost, suicidal

scared, cursed, sick

shakey, nervous, anxious

tired, restless, broken

lack of sleep, lack of nutrients

bored, needy, Alone

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As hard as times are, when you feel that way.. those feelings shape the person you are greatly. Gives you a deepend sense of understanding, they make you compassionate, they make you appreciate when you can say I am happy and mean it. Weathering the storm is difficult, I do admit. When you emerge, the sun will seem just a little more brillant and the person you are deepens and grows. There are people here who I know will listen and support you, no matter what your problem, so don't be shy to lean on others in a time thats hard. A lot of us can sit here and read that and say I know just how that feels. Your never alone. I hope you start feeling better, and please PM me if I can be of any help to you

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