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Some sex clarification:D


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I'm a young guy,and as i love very much my gilrfriend,i worrie sometimes about stupid stuff.But i prefer to ask then to be making some kind of mistake

The question is that we made love the other day,and somekind of fluid came out of her,the thing is we were using a condom and the condom was perfectly intact,we stoped imideatly and she was a little worried that it was sperm.I think it's not sperm cause it was not the color of sperm and it was not the texture of sperm,

Can please someone elucidate me about this subject? what do you think it was???

Thank you very much

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I wouldn't worry about this too much. Females naturally lubricate themselves when having intercourse so it makes the experience more pleasurable and makes things go more smoothly. She often doesnt even realize she is doing so when it happens, it is a natural instinctual human function.

You say that it wasnt the color of sperm, nor the texture. If it was a whitish/yellowish discharge and had a milky or even a very thin texture, then there is absolutely NOTHING to worry about. I dont think any energy should be toward concern in this because it sounds only like it was HER natural function, nothing to worry over and nothing from you. However, if you still have questions or feel that what I have described above does not correspond to what you saw, feel free to email me, private message me, or reply to this post and I will try to help further.

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Well if it wasnt her natural lubrication, (some women lubricate a lot!!) it could be she is a gusher/squirter, yes, women CAN ejaculate, not very common, some release a little fluid, others have been known to gush, so much so, that they have to use plastic sheets on the bed!


I have never come accross a squirter, but, I think its cool.


In either case above, dont worry, its completely natural. by the way, never make your girl feel embarrased about anything natural, dont ever act grossed out ar anything, some women can be very sensitive to your reactions.


but just for peace of mind, and to be sure its not an infection, she might want to get a check up with her gyno.

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  • 2 years later...

I wouldnt worry about it, sounds like she just came to me or was lubricatng herself like the others have said.


A little personal info 4 ya.

Sometimes when my bf and I have sex that happens to me. There are times that I soak everything and he can feel it running down his sides and the bed is wet after. Its a good thing, it means that she is relaxed and enjoyig herself. Nothing to worry about, enjoy.

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