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very true - i dumped him though but i think it was forced by him and he feels guilty for not dealing with things earlier - he likes to run away from things no balls see!


I have not replied to his texts etc but he called and i didnt realise it was him - i should have put it down straight away but it felt good to hear his laughing voice - god i am pathetic


You are right he is selfish and feels guilty like he messed up - i never said that to him and he thinks i angry with him i never said that either - guilt hey its a beautiful thing.

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hi, yes - move on, although a will tell you an interesting tale...

I was with someone from the age of 22 until about 26 on and off, we always wanted it to work , but somehoe we both knew it wouldn't go anywhere!

after a few years of dating hell on both sides and moving 3000 miles apart we both decided to try a make a proper go of it! strange huh!

My point is when we decided to give it a break all that time ago, we said to each other. If we still want to be together when we are thirty we will get married (tongue in cheek at the time!)

Time is the best teacher...

I was nowhere near ready, him either, at the atage where me met to commit properly.

Keep him as a friend, but make sure it is jut friendship, and it is on your terms.

You don't need him to be happy and fullfilled, send it out!!!!

But for now.

Ignore his nonsense sincere or not, and don't whatever you do be dangled on a string by this man.

If he wants to talk the talk- make him walk the walk- or walk away



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ie: if you arent married at 35 we can get it together then




I'll never understand why someone would say "I'll marry you if you're still available in 10 years."


I have a friend who has several guy friends that say this. I think my response would be "IF you're not able to see how lucky you are to have me now then get lost" (or something else I'm not allowed to say here.)

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