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Girlfriend breaks up with me... i try to create closure but fail.

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so in my previous post i talked about her breaking up with me... well we had NC for 4 days... she didnt really give me a reason to break up except "things changed" so i really got no closure. anyways i tried to create closure for myself by sending her flowers and writing a note. the note in a nut shell said i was sorry for the mistakes i made, and that i appreciated the memorys we had, and then said goodbye. she got the flowers / note friday. sunday night she messages me on aim saying thank you for the flowers... and that she loved them... and we talked for like a half n hour... we were on good terms... nothing about the relationship though... then i say well im going to bed (i say this on purpose so i wouldnt be tempted to ask about the relationship) and then i said are u sure its the best thing if we talk to each other just a week after we break up? and i asked her what she wanted to do as far as talking to each other went, and she ignored me then signed off 15 mins later, i coulda texted her but i just let it go... now im one confused boy right now... she ignored the question obviously because shes confused?? or maybe annoyed and mad i asked it?? i dont know whats going on but what should i do now... is the best thing to leave her alone and let her come and talk to me first? should i just sit around?? like i have no idea what shes feeling and now after her doing that i hate to say it but im starting to see hope... which is horrible because i dont want to see hope because its just making this emotional roller coaster worst.. what should i do

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You shouldn't sit around waiting for her. She signed off because she didn't want to upset you because most likely her answer to the whole talking situation would have been "never". I'm really not her, so I can't say this is for sure. Maybe she's trying the No Contact deal because it will be easier for her to deal with the pain of breaking up with you. Sometimes broken up couples do keep in contact from time-to-time, but it is extremely DIFFICULT. Don't be waiting. Get on with your life. There's much more out there for you. If she doesn't want to talk with you again, that's her fault. Maybe one day she will realize what a wonderful boyfriend she lost, and what a great friend should could have had. Feel better

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Yup, you don't want to believe in false hope and of course you don't want to sit around and wait for someone who can't make up her mind about you. So do this, no more games of cat and mouse or trying to read into hidden intentions, come clean and tell her you want to get back into a relationship with her right now. If she ignores you again or gives you anything other than a yes, then she means no, and then you have your final answer and can move on without her in your life in any capacity. Because you don't want to be with someone who isn't 100% all about you

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