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homecoming in 2 days, still havent asked her yet

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okay, my homecoming is this saturday, and i havent asked this girl to homecoming yet. thing is, i havent talked to her in over 3 days, because i told her i liked her, and she said "awww..cute"

and i guess i took it the wrong way. shes still dateless, should i ask her to go to homecomnig with me as friends, or would it be too awkward?


please reply ASAP


p.s. thing is, she loves this other guy, who isnt going to ask her.

thing is, im afraid to ask her, because i dont want to get heartbroken again

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This is High School, right? Well, I have a small question: What's homecoming about in college? I know homecoming's gonna be next week, but I think it's only gonna be football game. But then again, I dunno anything... I doubt there's gonna be a dance type thing like there was in high school... Even if there was, I'm gonna be too busy, or just in a lousy mood to ask anyone out. But I'd like to know...

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I say bail on this one dude, she responds to your heartfelt and diffcult outcoming with "awww cute" and loves someone else while you have a crush on her? You don't need to start collecting emotional baggage at 15 bro...


And for what it's worth, you don't have to go to homecoming. Or ask one of your other female friends even if just to have an excuse to go and hang out with your guy friends.


I never went to any of my homecomings or proms and look how I turned out? Oh, wait a minute, maybe you should go to your homecoming!

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homecoming, is a huge dance, after a big football game against our rival highschool


Is it the same thing in college? I mean, I remember what homecoming was in HS, but I dunno if it's the same thing in college. It'd be kinda neat though, although I think all the girls would have probably been asked out already by now (yeah, it's one of THOSE engineering schools...). But if I manage to get a good night's sleep tonight, I would ask a girl tomorrow, lol... who knows? Oh well, I just ask cause I'm curious.

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