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Guy's Help! How do you keep it hard?

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Alright so me and my girlfriend were making out in my car and then we were starting to take of stuff of. And I was hard at first then I lost it and then it was hard again. I am only 18 but do I have a problem keeping it hard? Because before I put it in I think about oh I hope I can get it in. And I lose it from their. What am I suppose to be consentrating on while having sex. Also how do I keep it hard? Do I have a problem?

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i wouldn't say you have a problem or that anything's wrong with you, but i'm just gonna guess that you might be a bit nervous in that situation? you might be so worried about doing things 'right' that you get anxious during all this. once you're able to be more comfortable and worry-free, i'm sure you won't have this problem.

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I am happy to hear about scullcap.


At my age I discovered (while preparing to be single again after my wife notified me she was leaving or - in the alternative - in case she came around) a number of very useful herbals.


I have worked with herbs off and on for more than thirty years, but since the sex thing did not seem too much of a problem (unless I was drinking, which I hardly ever do now) - I didn't really investigate it until I realized I needed too.


One problem may very well be hormonal. Thyroid problems may be involved. I would recommend you check out info on hypothyroid and the basal body temperature test. Thyroid helps other hormones (especially testosterone) to work so if it is malfunctioning (and environmental radiation and other factors effect the thyroid) then a natural thyroid prescription from an MD familiar with this (check out the Broda Barnes Foundation website for more info on ssuch MDs) might make a huge difference.


Most people have damaged thyroids from environmental factors, especially those downwind or downwater of nuke plants and those who live in areas where nuke tests let radioiodine into the atmosphere (it then blows globally and comes down in the rain globally).




The following herbs made a very big difference for me.


First: Yohimbe. extract at health food stores works amazingly well and is the only recognized aphrodesiac (google it and see) by medical practitioners. It makes it work better longer and bigger (stronger).


Second. Red panax Ginseng (I get the liquid extract in those little bottles from Korea) has testosterone. Taking that improves all of it and makes you feel, especially with the Yohimbe, like an adolescent. It can be a little scary getting that hot again.


Third: Saw palmetto ( I prefer the oil in caps, but take the herbal caps too) is REALLY good for men's reproduction system. Cleanses, heals and makes them work better.


Fourth: I believe that Gingko (which opens up blood vessels in the brain and helps with memory and other things like tinnitus) also opens up those blood vessels down below as well as the channels to the brain.


Finally, vitamins and minerals etc make a huge difference. Antioxidants, omega oils, B vitamins and folic acid. Selenium, zinc, and the other minerals and vitamins all help keep the whole system working best.


One final thing I learned too. In tantric and kundalini yoga, pressure on the perineum (at the base of the groin on top of the prostate) helps push the blood into and keep the blood in the places it is meant to be. That is why you see the lovers in the kama sutra sitting crosslegged and enwrapped so sexily in what seems like it might be a bit awkward - but things like "rings" and similar objects help in that regard to put pressure on those spots and keep the blood there.


Let me not neglect to say that if the brain is thinking about NOT performing well then the brain is drawing blood and energy to the worry spots in the brain and thus the blood and electrcity is NOT getting to the pleasure centers.


Stop worrying about it. Get in a a groovy and comfortable place and let it all happen.


But I almost 100% guarantee that if you drink your red panax ginseng daily and some yohimbe a half hour before you want to be ready to go (and it stays in the system for hours and is there when you want it and need it, not on automatic like, I imagine, viagra) that you will have all the staying power you need.


I had to cut back on taking it as I felt like a 17 year old and, since I had no live female outlet, it was making me crazy.


Right now I am staying away from women (too soon after my breakup or separation) and so hardly ever use it. But when I am ready to have some real sexy fun with a willing babe, I will make sure I have taken my yohimbe extract and that I am stocked up on the red panaz ginseng extract.


For women the Yohimbe works too as does the ginseng and also there is dong quai which has estrogen which is also useful for men as well as women. Both hormones help deliver the chemicals to the right spots and to the brain to make the blood and juices flow for wild and wooly lovemaking.


As we get older or if our personal ecosystems (our bodies) are damaged by envrionmental factors - then we HAVE to supplement with natural alternatives.


Obviously you need to research these for yourself.


But I swear by all of the above and cannot wait until I have healed enough to try and rock another woman's world.


But for now I am waiting to see if my S.O. will return. She is the mother of my kids and we built a home together and after 18 plus years I need to give her a chance to come to her senses. But if she blows it all away - I will be ready to look for love again.


Good luck


PS - If anyone wants referneces for this stuff, I kep a pretty extensive set of links and info.


But mostly if you google this stuff yourself and looka round, you will see what I mean.

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You are 18, I doubt you have ED of any sort i think your just tied up in the moment. Just think of things slow, like the fact that your about to be having sex, and that your takin her clothes off. I know that if you look at pornography a bunch it can effect the way you are turned on and such so if thats the problem stop watching it. You should always wait, pft at least minimum 5 minutes before starting. Making out and then touching. If ya want close your eyes and imagine what your doing, dont think about it, just imagine on what your doin, man your gettin your hands on a hot lady. And when your ready slip it right in. I agree with boontah and Cardinal , i seriously doubt you need medical problems

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