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Appearance... advice needed?


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How much does appearance mean? I mean i look OK as far as im concerned and i've been told by friends that im also OK but then again their friends, their gonna be like that. Im just unsure what girls look for in terms of appearance e.g. clothes, style, hair etc (you know the usual stuff).


I have no real success with girls and lack in confidence majorally (can't spell) and wonder whether i could make up in appearance or do they go hand-in-hand. Im just really lost on what girls want, need and look for in a guy other than the personality. Im getting my first pay packet next week Friday so im gonna have money too burn so im just after suggestions, recommendation on what girls like or anyone who can provide some good advice or even websites that might help, PM's are welcomed also


Can someone please offer some advice?... anything will be appricated.

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I don't think you can "make up" for having no confidence with good looks. Having good looks, nice clothes and style will go a long way, but if you don't believe in yourself, then no one else with either. And that's the truth.


Hygiene is greatly important. Make sure you're taking care of your teeth, hair and skin. Smell good. Bathe. lol Wear cologne, but not too much. And don't buy the cheap junk either; shell out the extra cash to get something that smells good and attracts women.


But even once you've done this, you need to work on building up your inner confidence. Until you do, no matter HOW good you look, smell or dress, women won't care. Walking around with a grimace on your face, having slumped shoulders or avoiding eye contact like the plague won't get you very far. Trust me, been there, done that.

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Style is a personal thing and if you dont like what you are wearing then you wont wear it. You have to go with something you like and work from there since there are many different styles out there.

As far as girls go the only way you are going to be more confident with them is when you are around them more. Introduce yourself to different women and you will soon realize that women are just people and there is no reason not to be confident when you are around them.

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I think confidence makes a man more attractive.


As far as apperance....kinda all depends on the individual.


But I personally like:

A man who stands up straight and walks with his head up.

Clean, shaved, short hair (really short)

Clothes that fit-not too baggy, not to small


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Thanks, for that it's what i thought and its nice to know that what it is... confidence is a big issue with me and especially in meeting new people especially attractive girls. I would like to know how to move up a notch, i know that it's only me that can do this but i don't know how, one bonus i guess is i've managed to loose a stone in weight and it has given me some confidence but still it's not enough i need to know how to work myself up more.


Guidence is what i lack most and i do tend to be indecisive about things which isn't that good but there we got that's me lol. I probably cud spend loads on my appearance but then again that only hides the fact the im a boring person, this is how i see myself, no real friends, no good hobbies (not having money kinda botches that up) but im working now i have some money coming in at last.


Im just miss-guided guy with no fashion sense and zero experience with girls too sum me up and where too start...? lol

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Another thing, make sure you're working out. Start lifting weights to build up some muscle mass. You don't have to become a body-builder, but women like muscle, and not only that, but you will find your confidence level rises as you look better too.


I used to be really skinny. Well, I still am, but being skinny with no muscle is gross. Being skinny with muscle, however, looks good.


Exercise will also help you raise your endorphine levels too, thereby increasing your overall mood and eventually, opinion of yourself.

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Well i need too loose some more weight before i start toning up myself, i've already lost a stone and im happy with that and it has made me a little more confident but a couple more stone and i'll start consider toning up. I have noticed being healthier and lighter does have alot of affect on how you act also, im alot better now that i was a month ago or so since i lost this weight.


I guess it's time, money and will power that will get me where i want lol, just wish there was a manual that would explain better but i guess things aren't supposed to be this easy lol.

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I have a friend that you could say is.. "in touch with his feminine" side... and i basically go shopping with him!!! he knows what looks good, what doesnt... ect... and it actually WORKS!!! of course, if i still don't like it, i wont buy it... but we go shopping twice a year (beginning of every semester) for a couple new shirts /pants, ect... and it really does wonders for your look... cuz my clothes used to suck

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I think you have been given great advice- simple quite confidence not arrogant cockiness is attractive and personal hygiene is a MUST.


Simplicity is not boring. I think you should start spending sometime at a local book store reading on things that intrigue you or browse out of your comfort zone to see what sparks your interest. I just can't believe that you are boring maybe you just need to expand your view through some research and getting to know and like yourself MORE! You need to be your biggest fan, again I do not mean that it a cocky way. But for others to like you- I believe you need to start liking you.


While I do not believe that clothes make the man, if you are really interested in some fashion tips.... Since you are in the UK you have access to one of my favorite stores, H&M and I am rather jealous!!!! (I have to take trips to NYC once a year to get my fix ) You can find a local store on the web. link removed


I think your wardrobe staples could consist of a few pairs of great jeans that make you feel GREAT! A pair of black or brown tie up casual/dress shoes or a pair of Diesel like sneakers that you can wear everyday with jeans. A nice, casual white button down shirt worn with the sleeves rolled three quaters up. A few fun t-shirts and a hoddie. A few pullovers in classic colors black, brown or gray. I am a sucker for a guy in a Peacoat. Can you tell I rather enjoy dressing men???? hahaha.. anyway before anyone bashes me for giving some pointers, that is all this is... You need dress in what makes you comfie and great. If this is not comfortable don't wear any of it. Just hit you local H&M and try on a few things!


Good Luck!!!

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I agree with most of the comments here, except the cologne part. If you have good hygiene, you're going to smell good. I have known too many guys who use too much cologne and it is a big turn-off. I'd rather smell a guy's squeeky-clean smell than a too-heavy or yucky cologne.

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Good looks can get you talking to a girl, but it's not necessary and an overcomable obstacle. Once you're in conversation with a girl, she's going to be looking at what you say to her (verbally and non-verbally). So this is what you wanna cultivate, your communication skills.


If I were you, I'd take that money and go to link removed and get the dvd set and ebook. I also heard about a similar dvd set at link removed but haven't checked those out yet. I heard they're great too as the guy TylerDurden gives great advice on other forums.


Best thing I can say is that no specific style can work great for everyone, some guys look great in a cowboy hat, some look great in a dress shirt, some make their style metrosexual like Justin Timberlake and make it work. It all depends on how you wear it and how it looks on you specifically. I could give you a good idea if I saw a pic of you and some of your interests like music and such of what you could go for. Look on TV and see what kinds of styles are out there, you can knock off one of them. Hope this helps, but the exterior is not nearly as important as what's inside, so work to improve that the most.

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