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Just want a better understanding

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Hi guys,


I'm pretty sure you'll be against me on this one but I just want to get a better understanding.


Last night I was lying in bed, my girlfriend just got undressed, while she was naked I commented on how beautiful her body was,

when she climbed into bed I askd if I could have a quick feel (down below)


I didn't necassarily want sex, but she said no, she didn't want me to touch it, I didn't want to grope her or anything, just a feel, I don't get it, she just said she didn't want me to, which I though was strange, we've been together almost 5 years, and I guess for a man, I see it as a way of rejection.


We had had a nice evening cuddled up on the sofa, she just ruined it at the end. any advice will be much appreciated, thanks



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Maybe she just didn't want to be turned on to the point that she wanted sex. I have been like that (when I was younger....i can't get enough of it now) and if I knew I had to get a good nights sleep I would try to avoid my husband touching me.


I also had alot of trouble getting to the point of orgasm, so I would just feel frustrated and not be able to go to sleep.


Don't stess.

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Yeah don't stress if you can avoid it!!


For me - if my man wanted to touch me down there, my instant repsonse "he wants sex"...If i wasnt in the mood i wouldn't let him. But i would cuddle and explain why i didn't want him to


Its not you she's rejecting. Its the 'sex' most probably - coz youd had a lovely evening together - she wanted to chill out....


Dont let it put you off. And well done for complimenting her on her body...



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Thanks guys, I know your right,

I see it from her angle now, obviously I wouldn't of turned down the sex and she knew that, but probably didn't want it.

If she had of been honest instead of just saying 'I don't want you to' it would of been better for me, but she is just shy.

Many thanks

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