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Some contraception advice.

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My girlfriend and I are talking about having sex soon enough. Now we have agreed that the contraception method we will use will be the pill. I fully trust her but she has had sex before and she has been honest with me about this but I am still a virgin. I have tried on condoms before and I have to say that I hate the feel of having one on. Now what I want to ask is if the pill would be enough, I know that it's 99.9% effective, more than condoms, but will it be enough to stop her getting pregnant. I honestly really do love her and care about her so before we do anything together I need to be certain about this.


Also, she has told me that she heard that the pill can cause women to put on weight, is there any thruth in this at all?

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the effects of the pill really depend on the person. when i got on them i didnt gain any weight, but a friend of mine did put on about 10 pounds. i would recommend the pill and condom together so you guys have the lowest chance of getting pregnant. better safe than sorry!

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the effects of the pill really depend on the person. when i got on them i didnt gain any weight, but a friend of mine did put on about 10 pounds. i would recommend the pill and condom together so you guys have the lowest chance of getting pregnant. better safe than sorry!


Yes that's what I though, but neither of us want to use a condom really, are the other contraceptions that can be used with the pill??

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The pill will not prevent you from transmitting STDs. Has she been tested recently for aids and other Sexually Transmitted Deseases?


Also , I strongly suggest that if you are not ready to become a father that you use a condom everytime that you have sex. Take the prevention into your own hands and do not trust her with your future.


Besides, the bill is not 100 percent effective, so combined with the use of condoms you will be that much safer.

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Make your girlfriend get tested before you have sex with her. It's a completely fair and ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY request. If she does have an STD, I guess your two choices would be to either have sex with a condom, or not have sex at all. The testing is really not a matter of trust or not. She does not necessarily know that she has an STD, and safety is number one. Sex will not be fun if you're wondering whether you're getting AIDS while you're getting it on.


If you really don't want your girlfriend to get pregnant, I would recommend using condoms as well as the pill. If you REALLY don't want a baby, and especially if you do not want to abort or give a baby up for adoption, then using condoms will increase your peace of mind. This would also be an added precaution for any STDs that might not have turned up in the tests (if she has had sex in the past 6 months).


The pill can cause weight gain in some women, but I think it's a fairly low occurrence (compared with the Depo shot at least). She can shop around if she feels terrible on one kind of pill. Also, if she has trouble remembering to take the pill every day at the same time, again, safety comes first: there are other options such as the vaginal ring, or the patch which stay on for longer.

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Yes that's what I though, but neither of us want to use a condom really, are the other contraceptions that can be used with the pill??


You can use spermicide - just put it on yourself and inside her vagina. You could also use a female condom or a diaphragm, but those do not offer very good protection (I think in the 80% range), and they are no more convenient that stopping to put on a condom.


When I started having sex with my boyfriend, we used pills/condoms, and then, because we were curious, just the pill, for about a month or so. (Note: we were both virgins in all manner of sex). But I was WAY too nervous with just the pill, so now we ALWAYS use both, and I don't worry about getting pregnant at all.

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Your best possible way to keep her from getting pregnant would be both condom and the pill. Neither are 100% guaranteed but with both, your chances are pretty much none.


It IS possible to get pregnant on the pill. I'm living proof that it's possible. I'm less than 3 weeks from my due date and I was on the pill when I got pregnant.


Also, someone else said it. You really should ask her to get tested before having sex.

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I have tried on condoms before and I have to say that I hate the feel of having one on.


How comfortable do you think Herpes is? How about a life-threatening disease such as AIDS? Or maybe one of the reproductive disabling diseases? I know that sounds harsh, but it’s reality.


If you are dead-set on NOT using a condom and truly only concerned with a pregnancy, then get tested – BOTH OF YOU. Do this out of love for each other. Do it for your own sanity. You are young and it is a damn shame to throw away the next 60 years of great sex (and life) because you didn’t like the feel of a condom. I agree with you, nothing feels as good as flesh, but you are young and there will be plenty of time for you to feel that.


Are you ready to be a daddy if the pill fails? There are always risks with sex. Educate yourself and prepare.

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