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How did you find Enotalone?

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I wonder how the hundreds of forumers found this site. I typed "surviving a break up" in yahoo and got several links. Opened many of them but they were just 2-page articles (ZZzzzzzzz.....). Enotalone was perfect because there are other living souls who are currently going through the same hurdles.


How did you find enotalone and how has it helped you?

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I typed in to google about how to deal with a cheating boyfriend. Several links came up. I first signed on to another similar forum , but the support and concern was not there. After two days I went back and looked at my previous google search and found the ENA link.


I signed up here immediately and cancelled my membership on the other site. I have been here for going on 10 months now and it was the best thing I ever did while seeking advice for my problem.


I still seek advice here on occasion with some of my lifes scenarios. Even though my initial and most urgent problem was taking care of, I still come here because I value the opinions and advice of everyone here. I also like being able to offer my help to anyone that I can.

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I was told about this site by my brother who was having issues with someone he was dating. I never told him I signed up...I was "spying" on him LOL...but I thought it was a cool site, so I stayed and eventually told him who I was. Now I'm more addicted than HE is!!! haha!!!

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I found this forum a week after the breakup and I shudder to think where I would have been without it! It's true there are a few other similar forums around but none as well populated by great people as this one, you get the feeling people actually care round here which is really unusual in an anonymous environment such as a web forum. What did people do before E-Notalone?! probably just muddled through I guess.

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