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Will someone (female) please rate me?


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OK I think I've figured out one reason why I haven't had any success with women. I'm ugly. I've always suspected it but I had no way of proving it. I finally collected the courage to post my mug on link removed. I got a really low rating. I'm certainly not going to post my pic here but if anyone is willing to accept one by email and rate it for me (honestly), please let me know.

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I would think you are probably not ugly afterall. The hot or not is not a good medium to judge the true rating of your looks.


I am a moderator on Hot or Not and I realize the scenario of how some people just click 1 for people rating just for the heck of it even when they are nice looking people. I wish it were possibe to have people be honest on there with their ratings, but some people just like to create a stir with clicking for low ratings. I only moderate acceptable photos and content of profiles there.


Send me your Hot or Not link on a PM here . I would like to see what you think is so bad about your looks.

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I'm tempted to get in on this and ask for a link myself but I think this is potentially a destructive exercise for you. You are seeking validation from others, people you don't even know. Our opinions on your attractiveness are ultimately meaningless. What is important is how you feel about yourself. If you believe that you are ugly then yes, you are ugly.


That is not to say that you, or anyone else, can convince themselves that they are physically beautiful and that that alone will make it true. This is really clichéd, but true beauty cannot be found in the physical. That is not where it resides.


You may think that your physical attributes are a hindrance to meeting potential partners and that very well may be the case. However, you'll have automatically weeded out those individuals who are shallow and limited. Play to your strengths, develop your confidence and self-esteem, believe that you are worthy, become your own best friend.

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Couldn't have said it better myself... PLUS, people over the net are mean-spirited lots of times too. They do it cause they might wanna be all tough/mean over the net cause they wish they'd be able to do it in real life, but wouldn't wanna risk getting their butt whooped really bad, in which case they'd deserve it, cause who's to say who's pretty and who's not or who's "smart" and who's "dumb"? etc. I guess they wanna be "tough" and "mean" just cause they're really insecure underneath it all and feel the need to belittle others to make themselves appear bigger in their own mind, which is just not right, in my opinion.




In the end looks don't matter... I've been told by many girls (yes, girls. Not my mom and my grandma, or any other female relative LOL that I'm good looking, yet I've never had a girlfriend, have never gone out with a girl, etc. It's all in the attitude man (which I can say with all certainty: I've had the wrong attitude all my life... I still sort of do, but I'm working on it, and yes, I've noticed results in how girls look at me)... Don't give up because some anonymous people who'll never see you in real life give you poor ratings on purpose just for them to feel better about themselves.

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I didn't know you are a mod there coollady!


And yeah, i think people don't take the ratings there very seriously.


A few years ago, a girlfriend of mine was really feeling down. So me and another friend got a (stupid!) idea to post her photo on hot or not, and when she got a 10 (because she is really hot!) we would show it to her and she would feel better.


Well, she got like a 6, while these.... sorry.... really really ugly girls were getting higher scores.


We took down her photo and never told her about it.


so, i think the moral of the story is that that isn't the most objective place and you shouldn't use hotornot as your "tape measure."

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And yeah, i think people don't take the ratings there very seriously.


. Like I told you before though, people rate low just out of wanting to make people mad about their ratings. Don't take the rating thing too personally at all.


Yeah, I guess I used too many words to just say exactly what you're sayin here...

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'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'!


Everyone has a different taste when looking for a partner. Just because they don't look like a model on the outside doesn't mean they aren't nice. It's their personality, compassion, etc., that counts.


I'm sure you'll meet the right person one day.


Good luck

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I didn't know you are a mod there coollady!





Yep Annie, I am. It is pretty interesting to see and mod through all the strange photo's and profiles that come through that people try to get passed the mods.


It takes some keen eyes to catch everything that we are supposed to reject or accept. It is pretty fun though as a distraction from other daily things going on at times.

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'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'!


Everyone has a different taste when looking for a partner. Just because they don't look like a model on the outside doesn't mean they aren't nice. It's their personality, compassion, etc., that counts.


I'm sure you'll meet the right person one day.


Good luck



I agree. One person's not is another's hot. Beauty is completely subjective and relative.

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I took a look there once (another poster had a similar thread). I thought the site was awful. Some perfectly attractive people were getting awful scores because they weren't perfect or something. Perfection is boring. I liked some of those "imperfect" faces more because they had attractiveness and character.


Don't judge yourself by that site. People click 1 or 10 depending on what they're feeling like. I don't agree with their scores.

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I liked some of those "imperfect" faces more because they had attractiveness and character.


I agree! I was just there on that site right now!


I don't like people who are 'trying too hard.' it's not attractive, imho. I do like the interesting faces, or the photos that were impromptu or them having a good time. the ones with the girls in the bikinis, or posing with their boobs hanging out or guys half naked in their bedroom on the webcam... well, that to me is 'trying too hard.'

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PLUS, people over the net are mean-spirited lots of times too. They do it cause they might wanna be all tough/mean over the net cause they wish they'd be able to do it in real life, but wouldn't wanna risk getting their butt whooped really bad,


Ugly is universal though. If he was 350 pounds, or had snaggle teeth and a mullet, then he would be ugly. Don't you agree? Good! He's not an unattractive guy. If you came walkin' down the road in "real life" and you were ugly, I'd say "Hey guy, you're ugly."

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True, but there are very very few people I can call ugly though. In almost every person, I can find some attractiveness or personality. I have yet to see more than a dozen people I can't do that with, people I would rate as 5 or lower.


There is a woman I knew once. She looked rather homely. However, when she smiled, it was so real, it turned her from a 6 to a 10!

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Ugly is universal though. If he was 350 pounds, or had snaggle teeth and a mullet, then he would be ugly. Don't you agree? Good! He's not an unattractive guy. If you came walkin' down the road in "real life" and you were ugly, I'd say "Hey guy, you're ugly."


Well of course... But I highly doubt people with snaggle teeth, mullets and being THAT overweight would post their picture in that site. I really doubt the original poster looks like that... I mean, that's not ugly really... It's more like poor higiene/health habits, horrible style and just looking plain undecent (which is all including within attitude as well. SOME people with bad attitudes don't care about their higiene, etc, either). Of course you can't expect a person who's got this horrible rash/skin infection all over his face to be "attractive". But they most likely weren't born that way. Which is my point: nobody's ugly really. I mean they're not born "ugly" at least. Cause like it's been said: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

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Ugly is universal though. If he was 350 pounds, or had snaggle teeth and a mullet, then he would be ugly. Don't you agree? Good! He's not an unattractive guy. If you came walkin' down the road in "real life" and you were ugly, I'd say "Hey guy, you're ugly."



really? you would tell a random stranger on the street that they are ugly?

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If they were hideous, yes. I am mean spirited. link removed is my idol.


what good would come out of telling a random stranger that they were ugly if they did nothing to provoke you?


I mean, what's the point?


If you are secure about yourself, why would you bash someone else? they can't help how they were born? so why should you care?


I'm in science, have met many world-renowned scientists and even a dozen Nobel Prize winners and i must say, most people in the field aren't going to be winning any beauty competitions anytime soon. Many of the people who truly made a strong impact on the world weren't gorgeous either - people like isaac newton, abe lincoln, etc... but they changed the world for the better and history will never forget them. Who cares if someone is ugly if they discover the cure for cancer or improved the quality of life for millions of people? Tucker max will not even be a blip on the radar of history.

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I got 5 out of 10 when I ventured onto HotorNot, I cried for weeks




That site MUST be ridiculous then. There's no way ALSuperstar would ever be rated that low in the "real" world. She's totally hot -


that's just weird....


BUT....to the OP - I agree with who said this path is destructive. I totally understand wondering how others view us, but tell me all my flaws?? NO thank you.


You open yourself up to that, and OF COURSE people are going to be as cruel as possible. Not ALL people, obvioulsy, but giving people permission to insult you, it's like school kids on a playground....there's ALWAYS a bully out there.

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