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My Best Friend, How to let her know?

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Nice to start to meet many of you here, I have been reading a lot lately and realized I wanted to pitch in some things also! I hope to have a nice time here.


I have been best friends for this girl for about a year or a bit more now. We have been talking together, walking together, sitting together and hugging each other for a long time. I though, for the last week have all of a sudden gone crazy for her. Before this, I sort of liked her but I always had interest in others. But now I feel as if she is the only one who makes me feel this way, the only person that I feel "in love" with. This peculiar feeling I have never truthfully felt with anyone else. I care so much, and I want to be with her all the time and she never leaves my mind.

I probably think about her more than anything else...


She is just so good at hiding who she likes and so am I to people that I know in real life. I don't know what to do because she hasn't liked a guy since we started being friends, but maybe that's just because she is shy to tell anybody who she really likes..


I know that the time where someone asked her out and she said yes in pitty (they broke up 1 week later) and they never technically went out. They only said YES to each other, but they never saw each other out of school or the halls. (they never kissed or like offered hugs, it was more like the guy wanted a hug so she came up to him and hugged him). for me, she actually comes up to me and wants a hug and sometimes I want a hug too.

Just anyways, after she said yes, I knew I loved her because on the busride home it was almost like a movie playing in front of me. The rain was coming down and I was so depressed looking out the window saying: What did I do.. what am I doing.. and I kept listening to regret and love songs.. even if they were country music songs..


Some people have started making comments like: Do you think they like each other more than best friends? Since they always hug, or always look at each other during classes?


I don't know if she likes me though, she always prefers to sit beside me and she loves hugging me or resting her head on me. I am the only person she sometimes bites, (in a cute way) and we always hang out together. I Do not want to make it sound one sided though, but from what I am seeing; this is why I fell in love with her but I don't know if she likes me.


I don't care if we start going out or not, I just want to find out if she likes me and I hope that maybe we get a little be further but I do not want to go far because I feel like the friendship we have is in jeopardy.


I do not want to go with her, then lose interest and then.. bam, we stop being best friends. I do not know what to do, or how to break it to her. How do I know before hand the chances of her liking me back? Some other people that see us always tell me: I always thought you would fall so hard for her.


I know I have, but I don't know if she has.. Anybody have some advice of what to do?

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First, read up on body language. We communciate much more by it than everything else combined. Get a book or seach the internet.


Second, let her miss you. Avoid her, be busy, sit or talk with someone else for an hour, a day, etc.


Third, elevate your sexual value. Accuse her of treating you like a piece of meat. Or something.


Four, BUST A MOVE. Don't sit and wonder all your life. If you want it, go get it. Bust a move.


And welcome to Enotalone. Stick around.

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If you like her that much, shouldn't she be worth the risk of rejection? Why do you have to find out the chances of her liking you?


You can either spend your entire life wondering if she could have been the one, or you can find out, like, now.


I mean, if you're really best friends, it shouldn't be that hard for you to think of a way to approach the subject with her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me tell you this...please listen to me. I didn't tell the girl the I was bestfriends with how much I cared for her and she meant to. She, I'm sure of now, got impacient, her ex hit on her, and she went back to him. That broke my heart, more than a year ago this happened at I still haven't forgotten it.


She did me wrong though, led me on..then through me in this "friend" category to try and make it right. No, doesn't work that way though. YOu either tell her, or be hurt when she changes her mind.

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I agree with GottaLetItBurn that waiting can be a problem. But imagine two scenes if you can. In this case, imagine two guys with women hey are attracted to, and the women do not know. Iamgine each of these guys how they would be depicted in a movie. One guy tells one woman that he thinks she is really attractive and special and he wants to know if she might like to go out with him. The other guy either just makes a move or asks her out. Which one is the one who is depicted as manly, and which one is whimpier? The first is the wuss, the second is the MAN. Don't be the wuss, be the MAN. BUST A MOVE.

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Do best friends usually bite each others cheeks or hands and constantly poke and pry at each others faces? Also, do they always are sitting right beside each other making physical contact with one another. Whether its hooked arms, or hugging?

Are their heads usually always leaned against one another? Is that normal for friensd to do? I am wondering since another person that always hangs around us thought today that we liked each other after we were fooling and playing around on a couch. Nothing too touchy though, just biting and playing going on.

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Today at a friends house, we were lying in a bed under the same blanket for awhile. Some of the people in the room were like: Wow =/ Uh.


We felt completely comfortable and safe with each other though, should this be happening? Does this constitute a non-friendly relationship but something more? Or does indicate just a very physical friendship?


Could this be a start for Friends with Benefits since we feel so secure and safe around each other mentally and physically?

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Cataclysmic, what do you want? Really, what is it? You have come abck asking the same question a few times, and get the same answers. You get closer and closer to this woman and as you do, what happens? If she feels so safe with you it is for one fo two reasons: she wants you, and there is no need to feel safe; or you have become totally neutered in her mind, and your genitals are thought of as havingh no function that will ever be relative to her. Which one do you want? A man with a set of genitals busts a move, a wuss who will never use his sits and waits. BUST A MOVE. At least do something, and until you do, I see no further reason to comment here.

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