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Do girls seriously find gay men more attractive?


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I think a gay man can be very nice looking.


I've had a couple gay guy friends and they dressed impecably. I wasn't attracted to them because they didn't put off that vibe or whatever it was, but they can definently dress well. They usually carry themselves better too...better posture, etc. This is only from the few I've known, but there was a difference.


I'm sure it's just like any stereotype though.

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I've had crushes on gay dudes, and find some of them really reaaaally appealing.


Is it kinda like when men like girls who are a bit tomboyish?


I guess. I find really attractive those that are considered "pretty boys" and that look girlish. You know, delicate features, skinny, long hair... Grrrrrr LOL


For example, I had a MAJOR crush on Taylor Hanson when I was on my teens (he basically looks like a blonde skinny girl) and I'd do totally do Brian Molko.


But I don't like the metrosexual gym-body kind of gay.

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They are more "in tune" with how women think, it seems, because they themselves have to deal with men!


It's not for me though...Although in my life I've come accross gay men who are so much more articulate, interesting and handsome than straight men...there's something seriously wrong with a guy telling me that I would look fab in white ankle-strap sandals with heels that mirror the curves of the body...

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Women may find them hot, but I doubt they would be attracted to them. Attraction usually comes from the man being in control and a 'mans man' as healinghands said.


But then again... maybe the bloodhound gang was onto something when they wrote 'i wish i was *gay* so i could get chicks'...

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Not offending anyone about being tomboy, but i'm just saying that becuase a gay guy will act girly, and tomboy's act boyish. How ever lesbian won't act anything like a men (you see my point???). They dont' have to 100% contrast each other you know?. I like tomboyish girls, nothing wrong with that! I like them cuz they can keep up with my active life style. Plus I personally thing if a girl can do sports and keep up with me, she'll be more than just a girlfriend, she'll be my life long partner.

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It is steriotypical to presume that all 'gay men' act girly. This simply is not true for all.


Gay men are just like strait men, they come in all sorts of varieties.


IF there was a girl attracted to a gay man, could be the thrill of something she cant keep? The challenge of changing someone she can not change? I am not sure...

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Huh? Attraction comes from the man being in control and being a man's man? What planet are you from? Oh wait, you're 18. That explains it.


I for one find gay men very attractive and at times have had to clarify orientation from some of my crushes. I think it just depends on the individual's tastes, just like anything else-- different people like different things.

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Hmm. Interesting topic! If it's true that there are women out there who find gay men attractive, then I may yet have a chance! Not that I'm gay, but I do tend to dress quite well, I always take extra care in my appearance and my hair and I am quite thin. I guess my only bad point is my posture, I walk very sloached over. My mannerisms aren't feminine either, but I definitely look spiffy. What's that term, 'metrosexual'? I don't care for it, but it's probably true. lol

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