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Everything getting to me :s

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Right...where to start...ok, life is getting hard for me to deal with at the moment, I hate coming home everyday, due to the fact that I see my dad (note to do with violence) He is disabled, with a hereditory heart condition (which I have also), he carries on like nothing is wrong and I cant keep coming back and pretending everything is OK when its not. School is starting to go downhill again with pressure to do well and other things. Along with my clinical depression I am lost for ways out, have noone to talk to about anything, the people I have told dont understand and have said or done nothing to help.


I am lost in a big fake world full of lies and upset


Any help would be great...thanks

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Why is it exactly that you do not want to see your father? Is he abusive in other ways? Strict?


You stated you are clinically depresed? what is being done about this? are you on meds? seeing a counselor?


You are in school. Do you participate in any clubs or sports? Those are wonderful ways to beat the blues. And they take you away from the house!

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Why is it exactly that you do not want to see your father? Is he abusive in other ways? Strict?


You stated you are clinically depresed? what is being done about this? are you on meds? seeing a counselor?


You are in school. Do you participate in any clubs or sports? Those are wonderful ways to beat the blues. And they take you away from the house!


I dont want to see my dad because he is disabled, and seeing him doing just any normal thing, laughing, joking around, pretending everything is ok, when I know he is getting worse every day, is effecting me soo bad.

He is not abusive no, he has been, come home from the pub drunk, have had our fights and he has pulled a knife on me once. But I love him dearly all the same despite all that.


No I am not seeing a councellor about my depression, I have tried to tell my mum but she refuses to believe it, mainly because my dad also has it, she cant cope with her son having it too. I refuse to take meds too, as I know that it has the risk of making me worse so I have refused them.


And no lastly I do not participate in any clubs or anything, im not one to socialise normally.

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Friend, if you are a pessimist and hate it...DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!


Unfortunately, wallowing in depression, wallowing in anger, wallowing in this and that doesn't do anything but attract more and more of those things into your life.


What you need to do is a mental 360. no one can cure depression but the person experiencing it.


Anything you think can be undone by a shift in your awareness. It's very important that you feel good and keep attracting those things into your life.

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Friend, if you are a pessimist and hate it...DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!


Unfortunately, wallowing in depression, wallowing in anger, wallowing in this and that doesn't do anything but attract more and more of those things into your life.


What you need to do is a mental 360. no one can cure depression but the person experiencing it.


Anything you think can be undone by a shift in your awareness. It's very important that you feel good and keep attracting those things into your life.


Thats the thing...i have been pessimistic all my life, i cant/dont know how to change this.

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Forgive me but... you couldn't have been a pessimist all your life. You are 16 years old. And you are very much ripe for change.


If you refuse to change... that is altogether a different matter. Only you have the power to make things happen.


Your fathers OWNS his own illness. It is not yours. If he is laughing and joking and acting like NOTHING is amiss... then that is how HE CHOOSES to to deal with the cards that are dealt to him. Respect that.


You on the other hand wrote in for a different purpose. Your choice.


If you feel that things are beyond your control or understanding "DO" seek counseling. Press for counseling. Mom may be in denial about a lot of things but surely she wants the best for you. To seek counseling does not denote weakness or infirmity. To seek counseling is the wish to be strong and healthy. To seek enlightenment.


So you are anti-social or lack social skills to be able to be social. GREAT. Work on that. Join clubs, organizations and sports clubs where you will learn to interact with other individuals who have the same affinity for it. Its a great release to have something take your focus away from these negative thoughts.


Adopt a "CAN DO" attitude... not a.. "I can't" attitude.


To make positive changes in your life... you have to breathe energy into it. You have to WILL it to happen. Decide what those changes can be.

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Do you have health insurance??? You might start by calling your insurance and finding out if you are covered and for a listing of counselors on your policy in your area.


Go to the guidance counselor at school. They will help direct you and would have phone numbers of people who are good with Teens.


Talk to your regular Doctor... and ask him/her for her recomendations.

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I suggest you find time to discover something you like doing, whether it's writing, drawing or something like that, spend a lot of time expressing yourself in the things you enjoy and maybe you'll feel better about things, if your friends don't seem to be really hearing you, I suggest you try to make new friends somehow, people who understand you more. You could join a group where people have a similar condition to you/the same condition, it's a great way to learn about people and I bet they are going through a lot of the same things as you are.

Just remember, we all go through a dark part in our lives but you can always pull through as long as you have hope and act on it, if you don't do anything, things will get worse.

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