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help please.... he wants to get back with me

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he wants to get beck together and i have posted before on how he cheated on me. he says that he thought that i didn't care because i didn't stop him from doing it and that it seemed like i was going along with everything. he said he would have never done anything with her in the first place and that she was all on top of him and he didn't know what to do. when i saw them together i yelled out go ahead screw her. so he thought that i didn't care. this is so messed up and i don't know if things could ever be healthy again. i do miss him tho but i'm not sure i can get over something this bad.

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He is making excuses. Hes cheated and he says he didnt think you cared? What a bunch of bull. If he cared about you or your relationship, then he would not have cheated. Its easy to push someone off of you when they are on top of you. You can find someone better and you will. Leave him in the dust. We always pick the guys who are bad for us, god knows I have. Good luck, hope this helped.

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cinderelly , I have followed all of your threads and posts about this guy. Follow the advice given in the past about this Girl if I were you I would NOT even consider or give a second thought about getting back with this him.


He is bad news and I think you know this already. Keep moving on with your life and let him be a thing of the past forever.

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Common sense would tell a person that if he had a girlfriend, and another girl hit on him, he'd tell the other girl that he was taken and to leave him alone.


"He didn't know what to do" is just a lame excuse and he's trying to make himself seem powerless and innocent in all of this, when the fact is, he cheated right in front of you because he wanted to, and for no other reason.


Honey, you deserve so much more than a guy who would blatently disrespect you and hurt you like that. How could you ever trust him or believe he cares when he did that to you?

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that's a pretty pathetic line... get away from this guy. he's just a big pervert, and obviously doesn't care about you all that much. dump his cheating * * *. to even say that to your face should be insulting? If he thinks you're that stupid to fall for that line, then he's not too smart anyway.

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