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So my ex-boyfriend was pretty to me for over two years. I moved to Fl twice for him. He put a page on myspace about me telling lies like I cheated on him n was a and a stripper and stuff! So he treated me like you wouldnt believe with this girl he liked for over 3 years and after all he put me through i said i could onyl take him back if they werent friends. He says I am being immature but I dont think so because he used to even stay the nightwith her and lie bout it when i asked him not to. He wont leave me alone and I dont know what to do! I think it would b a big mistake to be with him. Im trying to work out so I look good when he comes to visit his family and stuff cuz he said he wants to see me. Should I leave him alone? I get sick of him telling me he still loves me after everything has done

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I'm with DBL on this. Don't waste your time on this guy. Honestly, would you want to be with someone that would put up lies like that about you on the internet? A guy who stayed the night with her and lied about it?


This guy doesn't deserve your love or trust. Be strong! There are much better guys out there waiting for you, who will treat you right.


Take care

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