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Ok, this is my first post on the website, But I have been reading the forum for a while, and they are very helpfull! So thanks


Anyway, There is this girl in my geography class. I hadn't really noticed her because school just started and I sit in other sides of the class. I was at my friends locker, and she was at her friends locker, they are both very close. She was right beside me and she said "hey im in your geography class" me "you are?" her " thanks for noticing..." me "oh wait arnt you near the corner?" her "yes something like that". Then she told me her name and I told her mine. But that convo was so quick and i was in a rush to get to class that i kindof forgot about that conversation But two days later I saw her walking by, and i said "don't I know you?" her"noo......." me "yes we met the other day" her "we did?.... Oh wait yes we did! Your name is Matt right?" (my name is matt by the way.) me "yes it is" her "alrighty then" But here is the problem, she is very cute and I want to ask her out, but the only time I see her passing through the hallways and at the biggining and ending of class. And another problem, all we ever say to eachother is hello and how are you doing? But not like normal convo talking. Its kindof in a very energenic funny voice.. like "HELLO MATT!" but not screaming like what i said it like. How am I ever going to get to know her at this rate? What should I do to get to know her?


Anyhelp would be great.

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Hmmm...well, it seems to me there is some interest there on her part. She's probably wondering what is taking you so long to ask her out. Why don't you just do that? I mean, the next time you say hi to each other, ask her if she has a minute, and then ask her if she would like to have lunch with you. Do you know if you two have the same lunch period? Obviously that would only work if you two do.

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Tease her. She says "HELLO MATT" say something back like "HELLO WHATSYOURFACE" or whatever, the more you act confident the better, she is cute, remember she probably sees you the same way. Joke with her.


See her in the hall, want to get her attention, tell her you have to tell her something, tell her its personal, play it up like it is serious business. Then when you get her alone tell her a stupid joke straight as you can and see if she gets it. Chances are she will think you are going to ask her out and she will be under the eyes of her friends, when you don't and just make her laugh and she realizes you just made her laugh you are in. Her friends will be curious what you said, which makes you interesting or someone to talk about so you are in. Don't take it from there but ask her out soon after to the movie or to the mall or whatever kids do these days.

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tell her you have to tell her something, tell her its personal, play it up like it is serious business. Then when you get her alone tell her a stupid joke straight as you can and see if she gets it. Chances are she will think you are going to ask her out and she will be under the eyes of her friends, when you don't and just make her laugh and she realizes you just made her laugh you are in.


Why not ask her out at the end? I like the part about teasing her a little with the silly joke, but she's going to think he's a jerk if she gets her hopes up he's about to ask her out and he doesn't. She may very well think she's being played with, and the next time he actually wants to talk to her and ask her out, she may not give him the time of day.

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Why not ask her out at the end? I like the part about teasing her a little with the silly joke, but she's going to think he's a jerk if she gets her hopes up he's about to ask her out and he doesn't. She may very well think she's being played with, and the next time he actually wants to talk to her and ask her out, she may not give him the time of day.


She is being played with, that is what you want to do. Chances are she will be interested much more and so will her friends which is always nice for a fallback.

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Also, when ever I see her, she seems to be with atleast one of her friends, so the "personal question" wouldnt really work. Her locker is on the third floor, mine is on the first, and I only have one class on the third. So I dont see her to much. Also somebody asked what period is lunch, thankfully the entire school has one lunch hour. It's acually really stupid how they do that, because it is ALWAYS croweded in the cafe...

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Hey man i know its tough but at least you have something brewin here. You want alone time with her? Shes in your class right? When class is over wait so you can catch her on your way out. Just talk with her, tease her a bit, just talk about anything, walk with her to her locker or wherever shes going. You know just ask her if she wants to like get dinner or do something sometime.


Don't worry about her friends being around. Man if theres one thing I can tell you it would be if you can be strong, confident and approach her when shes around her friends she'll really enjoy that. What I mean is like you can go up and talk with her when shes with her friends but dont try to push them away. Its a fine balance, maybe just something short and funny would be good.


Heres another one, ask her for her number, that way you can talk to her one on one on the phone. Something good for this would be to just flat out walk up to her and say something like you know you seem to be a busy girl, its too bad we cant talk more, you know maybe a nyumber or something from you would help me out?


Either way you gotta be proactive here, she has already to an extent by introducing herself to you. Just be calm, under control and confident and you will do just fine.

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