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Does size really matter when it comes to making love? I recently took a measure of myself, and I gotta say I'm not that big, about 4-5 inches (hard). I was just wondering if this is too small. Ever since my break up with my last girl, I've been seeing another one and she is just great. We talk almost everyday and we really click. She has had sex before (I haven't) and I dunno, I'm just worried that I might not be able to please her because of my small size.

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Size is irrelevant in my opinion,


It's how you use the equipment that matters,


I personally have found smaller to be better,


But that's my own personal preference,


Just read up on some techniques online,


And you will be just fine,


And relax, it's supposed to be a pleasurable experience,





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I'm not sure about websites, but there are alot of books out there on sexual technique, just stop in any borders or barnes and noble and they should have quite a section- complete with pics!


'The Joy of Sex' by Alex Comfort is an older classic, and there are newer ones on tecniques and positions to maximize your size.


Good luck!

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Yeah size matters, women only say it doesn't to be nice. But trust me, all the guys in life that get cheated on, are small.


I'm really small too sean, 4.5 inches when hard (4.9 inches if I push back the fat on my pubic bone). Also 4 inches in circumference. I have had a few different girlfriends and when it came time for "business" 1 of them actually laughed and said "get out (go away)" and 2 of them left me, reason is "I couldn't satisfy their needs".



I have a friend who is 22 yrs old and says he is 5 inches long and recently he found his wife cheating on him in their home. He is a very kind person so he didn't kill her or her lover or anything but he was very sad and asked her "why?" and she said "because... I just wanted a big penis for once in my life...". And in the end, she divorced him and took 50% of his money and belongings.



So yes to answer your question size matters and if you have a small one expect to have a bad sex life or no sex at all, possibly your future wife/girlfriend giving you STDs from her various lovers.


I know for me I'm never going to try to have sex with women again unless I'm in europe or somewhere where hookers are legal

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could not agree with you more four inch fury-the same keeps happening to me. Size definitely matters. Motion of the ocean is something that applies only when the penis has some thickness. My cousin is about 5-5.5 and he is always saying 'it's the motion of the ocean', but when i saw his penis it was really thick-so yes motion of the ocean works but only in situations like this.

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well 'size does matter', BUT if you meet a girl who is after a proper relationships then perhaps it can be overcome, just that alot of young, immature girls are almost off-limits for us. Which is frustrating but your just have to accept it. Like i've been single for yrs now down to my size and the negativity towards it, but towards the end i never let any women walk all over me.


I'll tell you a funny story and its all about self-confidence and respect. Going back many years, i picked up this girl at a nightclub and she invited me back to her flat she was a young, immature, evil b.tch. When i showed her my goods, she said 'holy * * * *, i've never seen one so small, how is that going to satisfy me'? it was just her aggressive,, * * * * *y tone that annoyed me! fair point- but i just kept my cool, composure and stayed calm and smiled which is the key.


Then, i decided quickly; im going to get even with this tart and just focused on satisfying myelf and processed to come after about 5mins and then just got up, gave her a wink said cheers and then left without saying another word. I just totally disrespected her like she had done to me and regained some power. It felt good and put her in her place.


I'd recommend this to any of you guys, if you get into a bad situation with a girl. Just be as nasty straight back, slag her off whatever. They say two wrongs , dont make a right. Thats complete BS somebody disrespects me i get even.


But, being small does completely suck. If i was larger then that shallow girl may have wanted 2nds etc and you'd probably have 10x more sex in ur whole lifetime also its easier to be more self-confident and not having to fake it if you've got one down to ur knee-cap. If i was large i'd be approaching women 24/7 but its not much fun, when women turn u down or try and ridicule and humilate you.


Like the above example was another disaster, but its always good to regain some pride and self-esteem in undesirable circumstances.

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Yep Carl, could not agree with you more. I have relationships that are going great until we get to the intimate part. Then when they see whats there, first there is the obvious reaction, followed a short time later by the break up. Never listen to what anyone tells you, the behaviour is always the biggest indicator of the truth when there is deception at hand.

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It doesn't matter! It's the way you use it. And the guys who say it does matter obviously haven't been in loving relationships and believe that their penis is the problem.


Okay hey, you're my age and you say size doesn't matter. I've been thinking of moving to england too. I'm an extremely nice guy and a talented photographer that makes a decent amount of money depiste my young age. Wanna hook up?


Wait for it.. wait for it.. REJECTION.




Plus big sometimes hurts x


Yeah, if you're a virgin. Plus what happens if you have kids? That thing will be stretched out majorly. Wouldn't even feel a small * * * * inside you. Would be like putting a needle into a can.

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I for one have had two kids and I have to tell ya...uh....it isn't like 'a needle in a can' ! This sounds like lack of experience to me...but hey....if ya got it, ya got it! If you don't .....you wont!


The length you have is perfect...width is what matters more if your going to get technical! MORE importantly is if you know how to use the darn thing!

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It's not the size, it's how you use it! (like most others have said)


Too big = painful for most women.


Childbirth stretching = Do some Kegels


The tightest girl I was ever with had 3 kids but did Kegels daily.



No two women are the same but technique is the key, ask her what feels good, listen to her moans and sighs and feel her body shifts as shes moving to get more pleasure and feeling.

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Size is seriously not as important as technique. I've had a huge guy who couldn't figure out how to do anything but hurt me, and a normal guy (under 5') who loved me, and always pleased me. Girls complain more about guys that are too big than too little, but what really matters is that you make each other happy. Be comfortable with her body, she'll be comfortable with yours! Besides, she'll probably be more worried about looking fat or some ridiculous thing than your size....


Good Luck!

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OMG I can't believe what I am reading.


Just to let you crazy guys know, I had a boyfriend who had an 11" penis and I cheated on him with....wait for it....A guy that was 5.5". That is such delusional crap for you to go and blame your penis for rejection. Talk about taking the easy way out.


I cheated on my ex boyfriend because I was unhappy with the relationship not his penis. His large member did not make him a happy and confident man or make me a satisfied girl. Having a huge schlonger is not the answer to all life's rejection problems. Don't kid yourself, and grow up!


Large penis = OUCH, and really not a lot of options position-wise. My personal preference, and the personal preference of 99.9% of all my female friends is about 5 to 8 inches, but smaller is easier to work with than larger.


You men have been watching too much porno, I bet you think all us women wish you could cum like Peter North too! (GROSS)

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I have a theory. Perhaps you boys with smaller penises are so worried about it that you go for a little less than elegant women. These are the women who are more likely to behave this way.


I have been with one guy who had a smallish penis & this wouldn't have been a problem except that he couldn't get it hard! We tried anyway & it just didn't work. This was more humiliating for me than anything else. Am I that repulsive?


Needless to say, if I was interested in another guy and found out he had a small penis, I would not turn him down for the reason that it was small. I have more tact than that.

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i would question what the real purpose of this size being factored in.

1. if it is for just plain raw sex, then go for the one who is appropriately shorter than you are.

2. if you want life long partner, then see what kind of girl she is. Does she give high priority to sex? Women are not too particular about intercourse. They are more into feelings and emotions while men are more into the end product....But I guess women would be tempted to cheat with bigger guy. Given the oppurtunity, wouldnt you be tempted too???

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Just to let you crazy guys know, I had a boyfriend who had an 11" penis





You men have been watching too much porno [...]



LOL. You sound like a penis enlarging pill review I was reading the other day. "I increased the size of my penis from 14 inches erect to 18 inches using Magna-RX. Thanks magna-rx!!!"


11" penis huh? Some of the biggest ones in the world belong to porn stars and they are 9" biggest, with Rocco Siffredi's being 9.2 inches.


Your ex-boyfriend needs to get into porn movies stat. He could make millions...

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Well, his was measured and it was 11" hard 6" soft, so it was huge, and NO FUN. and a 9" penis, no fun either. He also could never be in the porn industry because... had NO CONFIDENCE.


The point I was trying to make though was that his large size did not make him confident or perfect OR rejection free or whatever common assumptions men seem to think having a "big one" entails. His large penis did not make all women bow down to him or remain faithful, or make him a fantastic business man. His large penis was not the answer to all life's problems, sorry to bring that to light guys.


What about you guys? If a woman doesn't have huge vuluptuous titties and the perfect pornstar/super model body, would you reject her for simply those reasons? If you would; allow yourself to be placed in the category with all those shallow girls who rejected you for having a small penis. Maybe that's why you are experiencing this downfall? I don't know, people are generally attracted to people of the same views, so shallow guy meet shallow girl, shallow girl might not be able to see past non-pornstar penis.


Penis size is like anything else. I'm sure there are women with preferences for a larger member, but there are also women with preferences for men with blue eyes or dark skin or WHATEVER. Everyone is different, but I don't think most girls care all that much, it's just a penis, not the holy grail.


Now the ability to actually "work it" like a pornstar is another story. A guy who knows how to please a woman is worth his weight in gold, regardless of his penis size.


so....Happy boinking boys, enjoy that thing god gave you to make women quiver !!

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