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Try a search on google, I did and found many many sites.


One said that pinapple and other fruits that are high in sugar can give a sweeter taste. It also said that cranberry juice or something acidic can alter the PH changing the taste.


It said to stay away from foods that have unpleasent smells etc like garlic onion asparagus.. and to stay away from smoking cigarettes, drinking alchohol and taking drugs as these can all make it taste bitter.

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It is true that what a man eats effects the taste of his semen...


If you eat a well balanced diet you should taste fine. I have heard the pinapple one before...and also strawberries. Milk - seems to produce loads of cum - and the taste isn't any different...neither sweet or sour.


Stay away from beer...and currys!! anything spicy - YUK!!

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Don't smoke or drink? Hells bells i'd rather have rancid semen!





Try a search on google, I did and found many many sites.


One said that pinapple and other fruits that are high in sugar can give a sweeter taste. It also said that cranberry juice or something acidic can alter the PH changing the taste.


It said to stay away from foods that have unpleasent smells etc like garlic onion asparagus.. and to stay away from smoking cigarettes, drinking alchohol and taking drugs as these can all make it taste bitter.

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I've heard lots of things. That doesn't mean they were true. I doubt that there's ever been a serious study on this subject! More likely, the stories get passed from person to person without any verification or fact-checking... just as we're seeing in this thread. It's no wonder that so much bogus information gets circulated around the world through emails of questionable origin.


If someone can produce any scientific evidence to back up these veggie tales, I'll be more than happy to admit that I was wrong. Meanwhile, I'll stick with my healthy skepticism, as it rarely lets me down.


Think about it logically: digestion breaks our food down into a finite number of very simple compounds and passes them to the rest of the body via the bloodstream. Yes, garlic contains an unusually high concentration of aromatic molecules capable of permeating flesh. But what is there in pineapple that can't be found in a thousand other foods?

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More info to consider


From the above link: " Someone also told us drinking pineapple juice for a few days makes pineapple tasting cum."


Same old rumor that everybody's heard but nobody knows about for sure. That webpage is also full of could be's, maybes and perhapses and doesn't pretend to offer any concrete evidence, only the assertion that asparagus can change the smell of "wee".


One of us needs to buy a few large cans of pineapple juice and get back to the rest of us in a few days. Any volunteers?

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RC, I saw nothing in your previous posts that spoke of personal experience. If you've done the experiments, you should have said so. The webpage link added nothing. Forgive me for doubting; I always thought there was not much to be found in celery but cellulose, chlorophyll and water. But then, I don't claim to be an expert on semen.


If I had a willing test subject who didn't hate pineapple, I would have already bought the juice.

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My personal experience is that any juice makes it taste a little sweeter, but the difference isn't that noticeable. Alcohol (beer) makes it have a weird bitter taste, very hard to swallow. No expiernce with smoking, so I can't give my input there. I really never noticed any big difference besides the alcohol, I could always tell if he was drinking heavily the night before.


Find a willing boyfriend and girlfriend pair who will do some of the tests for you. I would if I had a boyfriend...but I don't. So I can't help you there, I can only give my previous personal experiences.

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changing your diet can help. Less meat.. and more fruit and veggies. Drinking lots of water. Lol.. pine apple is a great anti-toxin. But no.. it won't taste like pineapples. Less rancid and bitter but not like pine-apple.


Drinking lots of water.. thins it out. That helps.. makes it less concentrated.


ALSO.. for better taste make sure you don't have CSB Critical Sperm Back-up... meaning you haven't ejaculated in weeks. It tastes HORRIBLE.. then. Not a formal study... just an observation from someone who has... ummm swalllowed.

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