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What exactly happen with Depression?

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What exactly happen with a person with depression?


Are they suicidal?


Are they gloomy?


Would the depression affect their ability to socialize or work?


Would it affect you towards making pesimistic decision?


Does it hurts you a lot?


How does depression affect you in life?


And how do you overcome it?

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What exactly happen with a person with depression?


One feels that the only form of comfort is one's pity, which becomes an endless well of sorrow and hate to one's self. These negative emotions build a fictional wall around us as one pulls away from family, friends and society. One becomes isolated and unloved in one's mind.


Are they suicidal?


Yes, yet the worst harm comes as one condems one's ability to follow through with it and futher plunges one into a deeper depression.


Are they gloomy?


It depends, one hides one's emotion in order to maintain some form of functionality in society, yet act gloomy to when in need of the selfish attention from others for self pity.


Would the depression affect their ability to socialize or work?


Yes, one becomes quite unfriendly, withoout knowing it, affecting all possible relationships with healthy positive people and as work goes one feel unworthy of success and thereforeeee give up the drive.


Would it affect you towards making pesimistic decision?


It does since the mind is convinced one is not worthy of a good outcome.


Does it hurts you a lot?


It hurts a lot as the physical self becomes unhealthy and it's increadible how one can psychosematically begin to feel a deep hollow pain in one's chest.


How does depression affect you in life?


Your life becomes a self induced torture session in all aspects, but until you get angry enough at the pity, then there is no paradigm shift in one's mind to change for the positive.


And how do you overcome it?


This is the most important question. Every person has to work it out for themselves. It sounds sad, but in order to start a healthy life one must first admit that the whole entire self induced pity was a false front to gain attention from the people around them. thereforeeee, one realizes that the universe does not revolve around them and one has to stop trying to control others to join the pity party. One has to start to give sincere love to all in order to be loved. WOW! By being totally true to one's self this disorder can be over come. I know that a lot of this destructive emotions manifest due to unresolved childhood issues that need to be let go. Most every one has had some sort of the same issues, thereforeeee forgive yourself and start a new life.



This is how I beat the depression that dominated my life years ago. It was quite an awesome change that has turned me into a successful man and has greatly improved my relationships with family, friends, business, society and a wonderful woman.

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What exactly happen with a person with depression?

Feel empty... sad... unhappy with their own life


Are they suicidal?

occasionally... but i would never go through with it. wouldnt put anyone else through it.

Are they gloomy?

god yes...


Would the depression affect their ability to socialize or work?

its hard to concentrate on work, and I dont feel in the mood to talk to many people, and when i do, its sometimes obvious im in a bad mood

Would it affect you towards making pesimistic decision?

depends what on, but i would say generally it does

Does it hurts you a lot?

when you are unhappy with your own life, its hard to get away from it, and it hurts constantly

just an empty feeling... like something is missing from inside (happiness?)


How does depression affect you in life?

cant concentrate at school, cant be happy for too long without becoming sad again

And how do you overcome it?

time... i hope...

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It is very individual, but for a 'technical' diagnosis of depression just google it.


To explain it as I know it:


Imagine a giant invisible hand crushing down on your body, mind, and soul. Constantly, easing up a bit of pressure only to come down harder just as you inhale a breath of fresh air.


Hopeless. No ways of escape - besides, you are so exhausted from fighting the weight that you just want to rest. Finding a way from out under the hand seems like an impossible feat.


The solutions I believe are very individualistic because people get depressed for their own reasons. Anything that encourages action, good health all around, and hope are good, though.


I honestly believe that some people get depressed out of simple reasons which they have absolutely no control over. Like grueling life circumstances that go on endlessly; with no return or other options.


That's all I have to say about that right now.

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Lots of groups deal with it as a medical condition, spiritual failing, or a dietary problem, but I started with a doctor. A decent doc can point you to a variety of methods to cope with those blues. Some folks push meds, talk therapy, religion, pop psychology, meditation, yoga, exercise or whatever caused therir own personal epiphanies, but as itsallgrand aptly said, it's a very personal journey.


Mine started in the 1960s, and I still work at it.

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