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Just thought you guys should know

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Just thought you guys should know this moring I got hit by a drunk driver when I was walking home from work. I seen him just in time to move slightly. Besides geting banged up the only thing that happened was me tearing a leagament in my left writs. Now I cant become a police officer untell it heals and that will take 1-2 months they say. Just wanted to tell you all.

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Do you know the make and model of the car?


Description of the driver?


How do you know he/she was drunk?


I did not get the make or model, the driver was male that is about it I know, and the police said that it looked like the same car hit a parked car just after hiting me. I dont remember that much about the accedent I hit my head hard but not that hard or the hospital staff would have keep me there longer.

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Here is a update, I was just contaced by the police that they found the guy, he is now in jall. As of my arm it looks like I will have to go to get surgery. It is so hard to type with my are like this. My police career will have to go on hold. This will take about 1 year before my arm is back like it was before the acadent.

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