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Little Help, Guys?

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I'm pretty sure I know that when, after a girl keeps you up all night, fighting violently via text message, ending by saying "I'm done", then texts you the next morning to say "I'm sorry I was such a B***h last night", it means she's messing with your mind and wants you to jump and grant her forgivness.


Or, am I being cynical?


I got the "I'm sorry" text about an hour ago and I don't know what my next step should be.


BTW, this is a girl that I'm not officially a couple with. She's scared of how much she likes me because she's been hurt a lot in the past. In a way I get it, but in another way I don't.

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Well, it's not ok for her just to be so wishy-washy,


You have feelings that need to be respected,


She can't treat you like a yo-yo,


I would avoid her for little while,


And just work on enjoying your life,


That way she knows her behavior is not acceptable,


Then decide if you really want to be with her.



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This is a different girl. I've been in touch with her for about a month and a half. We're taking it really slow, but apparently it's recently dawned on her that she's more into me than she thinks I want her to be.


This whole incident kind of smells of drama, but I've got my feelers up.

Not sure if I should run or what, but my primary concern right now is that I should respond to her text, but I don't want to say something like, "Oh, it's alright", because it's not. At the same time, however, I don't want to start another fight, or be misunderstood.


A part of me wants to make her laugh. God, I'm strange.

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Just respond with something non-commital. Or don't acknowledge it at all, actions speak louder than words, if someones really annoyed me and forced me to re-evaluate how I feel about them, I let them know and then change how I act towards them.

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She's scared of how much she likes me because she's been hurt a lot in the past. In a way I get it, but in another way I don't.


If that's the case, and you like her a lot you give her loads of space and go real slow otherwise move on. Get ready for the roller-coaster, I've been there.

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It's total drama.

And I agree with not responding to the "i'm sorry" text at all.


I was alittle confused by your post, because it was on the "getting back together" board...so i thought it was about your ex.


It might confuse other ppl too, so they'll respond

differently if they think it's the ex vs a new girl...


maybe try posting things like this somewhere on the relationship board

in the future...to make sure you get appropriate responses to the situation...


(just my 2 cents....)

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This whole incident kind of smells of drama, but I've got my feelers up.

Not sure if I should run or what, but my primary concern right now is that I should respond to her text, but I don't want to say something like, "Oh, it's alright", because it's not. At the same time, however, I don't want to start another fight, or be misunderstood.


Kind of smells like drama?


Hon, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck it's most definitely NOT a horse.


Unless you really, really, really like this girl, it might be best to keep her a casual acquaintance at most. Most of us have plenty of our own issues to work on...we don't need to take on other peoples'.

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