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How to give two weeks notice

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Ok I am ready to quit my job, school starts tomorrow and there is no way I can put in only 10 hours and get paid minimum wage at my job. I found another job waitressing that I can start as soon as I can, but I have to give my two weeks. I've never had to quit a job formally before. How do I bring it up? What do I say? What if they try to talk to me out of it?

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Put it in writing. You want to leave the door open so to speak so that you can allways return to the job your leaving, and that they will also give you references should you need them when hunting other jobs.


Something like..... I have enjoyed working here but have another job offer that will fit into my school schedule more. This is my notice that on (date here) I will be leaving my position here.

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I am really interested in how people answer this one. I have surgery in a couple weeks, I hate my job, have school, and just found another perfectly suited job that is wayyyy less demanding in my field that pays more and is more flexible, but I don't know how to say no or quit.... I just would like to not go back to work there after my surgery, but I always feel like I am abandoning someone when I leave ajob... Grrrr.....


I will be watching this thread... Good question!

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I am really interested in how people answer this one. I have surgery in a couple weeks, I hate my job, have school, and just found another perfectly suited job that is wayyyy less demanding in my field that pays more and is more flexible, but I don't know how to say no or quit.... I just would like to not go back to work there after my surgery, but I always feel like I am abandoning someone when I leave ajob... Grrrr.....


I will be watching this thread... Good question!


It's fine to give notice, you're not obligated to stay somewhere for life!! People move on, that's what everyone on the planet does! I would echo southerngirl, always put it in writing, no matter what. But if it bothers you about doing that, then have your resignation letter in your hand, and go in and speak to your boss at the same time, explaining that you're leaving.


The reason you put it in writing is so there is no confusion - you are leaving on x date, you have x amounts of holidays outstanding. Always put a nice compliment in, saying how much you've enjoyed working there and have learned such a lot about x, which will be really invaluable in the future. Wish them all the best.


vandgsmom, same would apply to you. don't worry too much about saying all the reasons, just say that circumstances have changed for you and thereforeeee you have to give notice with effect from ....xxx and then same as above. always keep it formal (in my opinion) and polite/friendly - you may need a reference in future, or run into these people again. Just be professional, and it's no problem.


Good luck everyone!

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Hey there,


Put your resignation in writing and tell your supervisor IN PERSON you are leaving. Putting it writing covers your butt and keeps bridges from being burned.


You are NOT obligated to give 2 weeks notice, it is an industry courtesy. Unless it is in your contract. I have heard some places require a month's notice. So be sure it is not in your contract if you signed one when you were hired. Basically, it boils down to what you are able to sleep at night with. Some people can quit on the spot on be okay with it, and others cannot. Try not to worry about looking the "bad guy" when leaving, remember, everyone is replaceable and empolyers deal with this kind of thing all the time. Good luck.

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Yeah, like some of the others have said, putting it in writing is allways best.


Ive allways thought that you should put it in writing, its the best thing to do also remember to keep a copy for your own records. Its just professional that way.


Oh and vandgsmom dont worry about leaving the job, you dont have to stay somewhere forever. Sometimes in life we find ourselves at different places in life and know its best to move on... isnt it great to know we are free and are not slaves to an employer?

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I guess my problem is that it is more that I run the office. When and if I go there will be no one that knows the business end of it left, and I probably will be taking a handful of my loyal patients with me wherever I go...


I don't and never have had a contract. I wrote contracts for all the employees I hired to sign, but when I took over, the Doc and the people he had then had nothing but a handshake. I just feel like I am leaving him in a bad place, but he is impossible to work for or with since he knows NOTHING and WON"T LEARN. Grrr..


Sorry for the thread hijack! (and thanks for the advice)


Good Luck!

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Just tell them nicely that you have another offer that fits ur schedule better and you would like to give your 2 week notice starting today. Be polite and professional, but firm. In the past whenever I tried to quit, companies offered me more money and tried to keep me there, and it was very uncomfortable. So, if they try something like that, let them know that you have already made up your mind, and you would miss them as a team(or whatever you think is appropriate)


Keep in touch with them, who knows, you might be offered something wonderful or you might need some future reference.

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